Chapter 8

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~Silverstar's P.O.V~

I awoke to the sound of voices muffled by a ringing in my ears. Groaning slightly i sat up only to be pushed back down as a voice said something but i couldn't hear it. Once the ringing died down i could finally make out who the voices belonged to and what they were saying.

"Silver lie still! Uve been out for about 24 hours." Said the voice i recognized as Seto's, "you need to rest."

I put my hand to my head trying to take in my surroundings when I remembered what happened while I was out. Panicked I sat up putting my hand to my throat suddenly feeling his slimy tentacles choking me. I struggled feeling more tentacles try and grab me. When I looked around i saw the cell I had first woken up in after spawning and squids everywhere. I screamed and struggled backing into a corner and flinching away from anything that tried to touch me.

Thats when I heard him.

"Silver please calm down. Your safe." John said. I looked up to see him sitting in front of me, "now, can you tell me see. Where are we right now?"

"W-what do you mean? We're back in that cell!" I told him fear lacing my voice, "h-he's going to try and make me tell him where the base is!" His gaze turned cold when he heard that.

"Who." He was pissed. I looked at him through tear filled eyes

"H-he'll hurt me more....."

"Silver who hurt you."

"K-king Squid.... h-he hurt me.." I was scared, I had no idea what to do.

                                                                ~John's POV~

I'll kill him.

How dare he lay a fingure on Silverstar.  When I get my hands on him I'll kill him. I looked at Silver and held her hand.

"Silver look at me." I said. She looked at me tears filling her beautiful silver eyes, "I'm not going to let him touch you, but in order for me to protect you I need you to calm down. Your safe and Squid can't hurt you." She began to calm down and I used my thumb to wipe away her tears. After a few minutes she was completely calm and looked around.

"How did I get here? Wasn't I just back in our cell...?" She asked. I looked from her to Seto then back at her. I shook my head.

"No. You were never there Silver, Squid was just messing with your head." She nodded in understanding, "you should get some sleep. When you wake up you can explain what happened in your dream, alright?" She looked at me and nodded before laying back down and instantly falling asleep.

Turning back towards Team Crafted I swore to myself that the next time I see Squid....

He will die a very slow and painful death.

Hey guys! Amber here! I just wanted to apologize for the lack of chapters in this book. I know that in my last update that I explained why I seemed to vanish off the map and i want to thank you all for not spamming me with comments asking me why the lack of updates.

I will tell you that my wound is completely closed and ive been back in school for a few weeks so, and anyone who has missed weeks of school can tell you, catch up sucks, especially when you were behind in the first place.

Sorry its such a short chapter but ive also got a lot of other stories running through my head so, thats a thing. Ive just had major writers block with this story but I'll do my best.

Anyways thanks again and stay magical


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