17. Imani

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The long ride into the outskirts of Seoul passed by faster than I had ever remembered, the time seeming to fly by as TaekWoon and I talked. I could barely keep myself from bouncing in my seat, my excitement trying its best to burst its way out of me. I wanted to remain calm but all I could think was that it was finally here: the day that I had struggled for and prayed about for years had finally come.

My heart thumped painfully in my chest when I thought of the years that had gone by while I waited for this moment. Relief was too small a word to express what I felt; only profound contentment flowed in my veins. For the last time, I would pick Jae up from the orphanage; now he would be mine to cherish like I'd always wanted. And the thought that this was the first day of the rest of my life made me happier than I had ever been.

"So, what will we do first?" TaekWoon's honeylike voice asked, the warm tone spearing through my thoughts. "I know you have a plan."

I smiled at him, delighted that he knew me so well.

"Nothing too big; we can just take Jae shopping for more clothes and some things he'll need now that he's staying for good."

Staying for good! The smile on my face stretched my cheeks to the point that they ached. And still I wanted to keep smiling as the sweet words left my lips.

"And of course school; I found the perfect preschool he can go to until the new school year starts."

"School so soon? I thought you'd want to keep him close for a while." I let out a snort, and let him know the truth.

"It's not me who made the decision. Jae's determined to start school as soon as possible. He keeps thinking he's behind the other kids. He wouldn't listen when I said we should take the summer off and enjoy it. But if that's what he wants, then I don't want to ignore it just because I want to keep him close."

"He's determined and that's good. It'll come in handy when we start training." I turned in my seat, surprise making me raise an eyebrow at TaekWoon.

"Training? Training for what exactly?"

"Soccer of course. He could be an all-star with his dedication. Did I ever tell you that I was on the national team?" TaekWoon's eyes sparkled as he spoke, but I had to burst his bubble.

"Sorry, but my kid is going to be an engineer. He's a mechanical genius; he once took my IPhone apart and put it back together in five minutes flat."

"Naegihale?" TaekWoon glances at me, his smile so wide that the sides of his eyes have crinkled and I'm not sure he can see through the tiny slits that are left.

"Call. What's the wager?" He doesn't know it yet but I'm a sucker for competition and a twinge of excitement goes through me.

"We let Jae know about both options; take him to a soccer practice and that engineering museum they have for kids. After we ask JaeHyunnie what he wants to do after giving him some time to think it over."

"Cool. And when I win what's my prize?"

"You're so confident you'll win?" I shrug at him nonchalantly, my smirk daring him to question me.

"I know my kid."

"Then... how about the winner gets a kiss?"

His words make my heartbeat kick-start in my chest and I remember our last kiss, our only kiss, that took place at our wedding. Back then my eyes had been shut tight as TaekWoon leaned toward me, and the soft brush of his lips over mine had been maddening and tantalizing at the same time. I had replayed that kiss in my head a hundred times since then, but his bet made me want another as soon as possible. Grabbing TaekWoon's free hand in mine, I shook it firmly.

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