Chapter 1

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Frightened, Ebony sat in the waiting room chair at the doctors. "Sit up straight". "Don't slouch" was all that was going through her mind. Her blue eyes staring at the blank wall whilst her mum flicked through Facebook next to her. After about 10 minutes, a Doctor went into the waiting room and called "Ebony Green?". Ebony and her mum stood up and walked into the Doctors room where he asked her questions about her back.

"How did you discover your curve?" he asked.

"Well, I was in a tank top and my mum was giving my hair a small trim when she noticed that my shoulders looked uneven. That's when she decided to call up the doctors and make an appointment to see if there was anything wrong with me." Ebony explained.

The doctor then asked if he could examine her back which she agreed to let him do. Her doctor examined it very carefully and noticed that her spine was curved over.

He said to Ebony "I'm very sorry to say but you have a condition called scoliosis which is a curve of the spine. This happens to 1/250 people in the world and is mainly seen in teenage girls."

He then sent her to physio to hopefully slow down the curve rate of her spine.

Ebony and her mum said thank you and they left the doctors. Ebony could feel tears forming in her eyes. She was devastated because of the fact that she possibly wouldn't be allowed to do some of her favourite activities such as gymnastics, dance and trampolining.

When she got home she burst into tears and told her dad everything that the Doctor had told her. She also texted her two best friends (Grace and Molly) by which at this point she was crying so much her eyes were stinging...

She didn't have much appetite to eat her dinner that night which was unusual because she always ate her dinner. She then went to bed and slept until her alarm woke her up for school the next day.

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