Chapter 3

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8:45 am - English

As much as Ebony loved English, she really didn't want to do it today. She knew all her lessons would drag on but thankfully all her class was doing in that lesson was reading. She thought that maybe reading would take her mind off things for a while and with much luck it did. She looked at her watch and it was halfway through the lesson. Miss Kenedy Told the class to stop reading and to get out their English books.

For the rest of the lesson, Ebony stared at the wall contemplating her life at this moment of time. Her teacher had to tell her off a few times but Ebony wasn't very fussed about it due to the fact she had more important things on her mind. On any other day, Ebony would have apologised and felt guilty for about 10-20 mins if she was to have been told off by a teacher.

Finally, it was the end of the lesson so Ebony packed away her books and pencil case. She then set off to her next lesson. Maths

9:45 am - Maths

Ebony walked into maths dreading the lesson already. She has never been very good at maths yet she is in second to top set in maths so, to be honest, she is more clever than she thinks she is. That lesson her class were doing algebraic equations which was going to be easy-ish because Ebony didn't struggle very much with algebra meaning this lesson was going to be quite straight forward and another lesson where she can do some work to get her mind off things.

By the end of the lesson Ebony had got 37 questions done and a star student from her maths teacher. She then packed up her book and equipment and went to break 1.

10:45 am - Break 1

Ebony met up with her friends and Jack in the hall where they ate their snacks, wrote fanfictions about anime ships and had a laugh. However, the atmosphere wasn't as upbeat and exciting as usual. Ebony sat in the corner where she quietly read a book eating an energy bar. She did join into her friend's conversation every now and then but at this moment in time, she wanted to be alone.

30 minutes went by and the bell went for her next lesson. History.

11:15 am - History

Finally, a lesson Ebony had a couple friends in and one that's her favourite subject because 1. she found it really interesting and 2. she hopes to become a History teacher when she grows up. In History today, her class were learning about some conspiracy theories of 9/11. She and Grace were trying to write down notes but couldn't because Jack was making jokes that probably shouldn't be said but he did so anyway...

Ebony was really enjoying this lesson but when she looked at her watch it was a few minutes away from the lesson. Ebony and her friends then packed away their things and went to lunch.

12:15pm - Lunch

Ebony was finally in a good mood so she joined in the fanfiction writing in her group of that lunchtime. For some reason, History always put Ebony in a good mood which lasted the rest of the day. He and Grace started to jokingly moan at Jack for his jokes in History and how mean they were but they knew they can never change that side of Jack so they just laughed it off.

RING! That was the bell for lesson 4.

12:45pm - Art

Ugh great art, Ebony thought to herself. A lesson with a teacher she hated and also a lesson she got bored easily because she can't do anything to do with art to save her life..

So, that lesson Ebony started to randomly doodle in her book because why not. Her teacher didn't notice so she continued all the way through till the end of the lesson.

13:45pm - French

Finally the last lesson of the day, Ebony thought to herself. She was so excited to go trampolining with Grace like she does every Monday after school. Ebony usually worked very hard in all her subjects especially the ones she enjoyed most eg. English and History. That lesson she was writing down keywords when she started to feel a sharp prodding pain at her shoulder blades. In an effort to get rid of the pain, Ebony decided to move her shoulders in a circular motion though she stopped because people were starting to stare at her...

By the end of the lesson, Ebony was feeling stiff and achy in her lower spine from trying to find a comfortable ish position to si in that lesson but she was glad it was the end of the day.

14:45 pm - End of the day

Ebony met her friends and Jack by their lockers so they could get their coats before going home. The 6 of them then parted their own ways to go home.

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