Chapter 10

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It was about 9 am when Ebony's mum got a call from the hospital saying that the operation was still going to happen. When Ebony found out, she was so happy but also nervous. She and her parents went up to the hospital and signed into the ward where she went to Mars Bay (the room she stayed in for the time she was in the hospital for.)

Her operation wasn't until 1 pm so she had about 3 hours to sit around and wait till it was time for her operation. She was she wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything other than sips of water before her operation. Ebony went into the bathroom so that she could use the anti-bacterial soap one last time before her operation. 

After another 4 hours of waiting to go down to theatre it was now 3 pm and Ebony was told that she could now go down for her operation. She had to get into a hospital gown and take off her bra. Her mum took a before photo of her back to compare to the after photo once she was home.

Down in the theatre room, Ebony had to lay down on a bed whilst the doctor was preparing the anaesthetic. Terrified, Ebony started crying when the needle was being injected into her arm. Trying to help her daughter feel better, her mum tried talking to Ebony about things she had done that she really enjoyed doing the year before.

When Ebony had woke up it had been, it had been about 6 hours and she was hungry. She looked down to see an epidural in her hand. She didn't remember falling asleep... The only thing she remembered from before she fell asleep was when she was talking, well crying, to the doctors and nurses about her favourite band and that she had been to one of their concerts and that she was also going to 2 more later on that year.

Once, Ebony was in her ward, there was a small cheese sandwich waiting to be eaten. She had hourly check-ups, nurses asking "on a scale of 1-10 how bad's your pain right now" and she would reply "uhhh 4?" most of that night.

That night she got barely any sleep and by morning she was knackered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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