chapter 8

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It was now two weeks before the operation and Ebony had yet again another appointment to go to. She, her mum and her dad went to the hospital where they went to the ward G3 where the registered in and met the Spinal nurse Hannah.

Hannah examined Ebony's spine to make sure there was nothing wrong with it (well you know what I mean). She then asked Ebony a few questions such as "When was your last period?" or "have you been feeling any more pain in your back recently?". Ebony answered her questions and after some time Hannah gave her some iron tablets to take 3x a day so that during the operation there would be less of a risk of having a blood transfusion. She then gave Ebony an anti-bacterial wash that she was meant to use every time she had a shower so that there weren't any infections that came up during the operation. Hannah then told Ebony that on the day of the operation she had to bring back the anti-bacterial wash.

Soon after, Hannah put numbing cream on Ebony's arms and hands because she was due to have a blood test later that day. The same as the MRI, Ebony was nervous because she had never had one before and she had been told that they hurt. She went down to the ground floor where she registered into the blood test ward where there were lots of people.

Ebony and her parents had to wait over an hour to go into the butterfly room and get the blood test done. She was finally called in to get it done and by this point, Ebony was even more anxious than when she got to the blood test ward. She went into the butterfly room with her mum when she got called in by one of the nurses. She then sat on a chair whilst her whole body was shaking vigorously. The nurse gently put the needle into her arm which surprised Ebony very much because it didn't hurt unlike how she was expecting it to.

After a couple minutes, the blood test was finally over. Feeling slightly dizzy, Ebony walked back to the waiting room with her mum to find her dad sitting in on of the chairs flicking through his phone. The 3 of them decided to go to subway for lunch as did half the hospital apparently because the queue was massive! Ebony went up to order her lunch with her dad when she started to feel light headed. Her vision went. She passed out...

After about 10 minutes, she got her vision back to a sight of a subway baguette and a Pepsi Max to increase her sugar levels. She and her parents finished their lunch, they got to the car and went home.

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