Chapter 2

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BEEP BEEP BEEP! Ebony's alarm went off that morning. After struggling to get out of bed, Ebony put her hair up in a high pony tail, did her make up and got into her boring old school uniform. She then packed her strippy blue bag with the school books that she needed for that day eg. English, Maths, History and French.


Ebony went downstairs to make her daily nutella on toast cut into triangles becuase why not. She then sat on her phone for until it was time to leave for school.


She put on her plain old black school shoes and then her rain coat. She grabbed her keys and school bag then left for school. 10 minutes later, she met up with her two best friends (well  more like sisters) which they then waited for the two boys, Blake and Tom. After long last, the two boys got to their meeting point and the 5 of them head off for school. Along the way to school, the 5 of them started talking about the previous eveing's events at the Doctors.

She suddenly burst into tears creating dark grey mascara streaks down her ruddy cheeks. The two girls wipped away Ebony's tears and gave her a massive hug whilst the two boys tried to make inappropiate jokes in effort to make her laugh.


At long last, the 5 friends got into school where they met Ebony's boyfriend Jack. As soon as Jack saw his beloved girl, he hugged her tight for she had also told him about the Doctors. For the next 10 minutes, the 6 of them talked until the bell went.

Tutor - 8:45am

RING! That was the bell. Ebony and Molly said goodbye to their little group and headed off to Tutor. When they got to Tutor, they took their seats and began to talk about Fairy Tail (An Anime). Mr Jerreld (their tutor teacher)  told the class to be silent whilst he took the register.

"Ebony?" he called.

"Here" Ebony murmered.

Mr. Jerreld didn't hear so he called her again."Ebony Green?"

Once again, Ebony answered "Here Sir" only this time more loud and clear so that he would hear her. Once the register was over, Ebony and Molly their conversation about Fairy Tail until the end of the lesson.

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