Chapter 9

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It was now 1 day before the operation. Ebony had to go back to what was now pretty much her second home (the hospital) with her suitcase for things she needed for the week where she had her final talk with her spinal nurse Hannah. What Ebony was told made her heart shatter... She was told that her operation might have to be moved to a later date due to the fact that there weren't enough nurses available. She was then told that she was to still get the nerve test done that day so they still had the results for if they moved the date forward.

Ebony and her parents went to find the nerve testing room. It took 30 minutes with the help if 3 different staff members of the hospital staff to find the nerve testing room. They were soon called in where they met Dr Roberts. With a red marker, he put 3 dots on her head to mark where the sticky things (don't know what they were called) was to go on her head. He then put an electric thing on her ankle that shot electric currents up her spinal cord. At first, it didn't hurt, it was more of a tingling feeling in her ankle but after some time she starting feeling a sharp pain in her ankle. She didn't want to say anything because she wanted to get the tests over and done with so that she could go back to the ward and see what the plans for her surgery were.

After 20 minutes of the tests, it was finally over. The sticky things were taken off her head but left patches in her hair with really gunky sticky stuff that would only come out by washing it. She and her parents then went back up the ward where she was given the option to stay overnight at the hospital in case her surgery was going to still happen the next day. She decided to go home so he hospital said they would call her parents the next morning and tell them if the operation was on or not. And with that, they went home.

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