Chapter 5

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7 slow and painful months had gone by. Physio wasn't helping much thought to be honest Ebony forgot to do them most nights so she wasn't really helping herself...

One morning, Ebony got a letter from her local hospital saying that she is to be expected to get an x-ray done to see how curved her spine is. The girl was excited yet nervous cause she had never gotten an x-ray done before so she didn't know what to expect.

The day of the x-ray came, Ebony and her mum went to their local hospital at the given time where they waited to be called in by a consultant.  They had to wait quite a long time (about 20 minutes but  Ebony was bored out her mind).

At long last they were called into a room where the consultant examined her back (which had become more curved since it was last examined) then he told her to put on a hospital gown that she dreaded to wear only cause she had to take off all metal and the gown was really loose because she wasn't able to tie is uptight enough. The consultant then led Ebony and her mum to the x-ray room where Ebony had to stand in front of a glass board thing (don't actually know what it is) where she had her back to the x-ray camera. The camera took her photos and Ebony and her mum went back to the consultant's room where Ebony was able to put on her metal items again.

After sitting around the room for a long 20 minutes, the consultant came back and took them to another room where he showed them the x-rays. He asked Ebony "Do you think your curve is mild or severe?" so of course, Ebony said, "I really hope that it's mild." Unfortunately, she was told it was a severe case of scoliosis which she was then told she was unable to continue with trampolining causing the poor 12-year-old to burst into tears.

At the end of the appointment, Ebony and her mum went to the shop and her mum let her choose any chocolate that she wanted for being so brave at the hospital so Ebony chose a crunchie bar (honeycomb covered in chocolate).

After a long afternoon at the hospital, Ebony and her mum went home, had dinner and went to bed.

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