Chapter 7: Movie Date

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"H-Hey Mike..", Bill blushed on the phone dressed and ready to do something fun on a summer Saturday afternoon.

"Hey Bill," , Mike laughed watching Richie try to help milk a cow for movie money. Movie.. That was is it that was what Mike wanted to do round up all the losers and go on a movie date, a movie to see Ghostbusters 2 (a real classic ).

"Speaking on which Bill, meet me at the Aladdin say... 1".

"U-U-U-U y-y-y-y-yeah ....", Bill blushed harder his heart racing out of his chest. Oh how he loved his little farm boy although they were the same age and nor was he little at that. It was his chance to finally ask him the big question but how was he gonna ask what was he even gonna wear!.

"Veronica ", Bev poked her side pulling her hair back into a ponytail watching the girl apply her smackers chapstick on her lips .

"Huh..", She began comparing earrings , Triangles, weird line shapes .. both" . Veronica couldn't help that she was excited about Richie working on the farm to buy them not just tickets but any snack of her choice at the movie theater the Aladin movie theater. She continued to prep herself up from her date .

"Veronica, we're gonna be late and Ben and Richie will be here any minute ", She groaned sitting on Veronica's bed something that she had now gotten to do all the time because she had recently moved in there with the Rodgers. Nothing temporary either she was always welcomed to stay there no matter what.


"Yowza ..", Richie exclaimed watching Veronica come down the steps, she looked so different , so girl so, "Perfect". His mouth wide opened as Ben closed it for just to avoid flies from dropping themselves into his mouth. But while Richie gazed at Ronnie he had another red head to stare at. Beverly Marsh the angel of his life the woman of his dreams the future wife in all the dreams he's ever had , the girl who took the time to notice him when no one else wanted to .

"Alright Rach we'll be back before 7 ,we'll stop by dads long enough for you to suc- to kiss your boyfriend.."

"Wait can I go too..." Lovino smiled walking downstairs already dressed

"I don't see why not", Veronica gestured the group of 5 walking out the door .


"So Lovino.. You look nice", Riche smiled grabbing Veronica by the hand feeling how warm it was and soft it was against his nervous ones. He couldn't believe that Veronica was next to him walking beside him holding his hand while Bev and Ben were having their own conversation about poetry and god knows what else.

"Thanks Rich....", He sighed a little less energy in his eyes a bit of sadness replacing the glow of his life. Loving had something on his mind and he couldn't let it hinder him he had to ask he had to let it out he had to know the answer.

"Aunt Viv said I was adopted.. And that we're cousins and that my parents died" , He rambled looking at his sister.. Cousin...nibling ? . everyone got silent waiting for her response to his question, she didn't know that answer but that did mean she couldn't help him get the truth out.

"She told me ... my dad was named Felicio...and that.."

"Ma and pa murdered him down right coldy Lovi, and mama papa took you in because he was a monster , he wanted to do things to you that I'd kill for you too over. Now can we talk about this later " the speed of her voice skyrocketing into 100 miles per hour as Richie , Ben, and Bev all looked at the two like she had said she killed cats or something.

Lovino gave her a nod and a hug as he held her hand and walked inside the theater running into "Eddie..." , his cheeks pink and eyes looking right into his knocking his fedora off his head. The two bending over to pick it up as their hands brushed against each other .

"Hey wanna sit with Stan and I we got balcony seats"

"I don't wanna be a burden ...:"

"It beat's spending a movie sitting next to Richie burping in your ear . I still can't hear from the damned batman movie...." , He rolled his eyes leading Lovino and Stan the way to the balcony seats getting the good ones in the middle. Lovino smiled holding onto Eddie who was actually mighty strong for his age as he also looked up at Stan, who was was taller than him and also very handsome with hair that he wanted to play with.

"S-S-Sorry Ma- Ma-Mike I-", Bill groaned seeing Eddie ,Stan , Richie and Lovino sitting in the seats

"The more the merrier" Mike smiled .


"Ray , When someone asks if you're a god you say yes!"

The losers died laughing as Veronica stayed latched onto to Richie's arm incase she had gotten scared and that she did as the bucket of popcorn slathered down onto whomever was down below them . And whomever was down below them was the Bowers gang. Richie knew what to do knocking over the jumbo large slushie, pepsi, coca cola , with Fanta orange on top of Henry Bowers. " If I were you I wouldn't pay to watch a monster movie I'd look in the mirror" ,He yelled giving him the finger before taking Ronnie by the hand and running downstairs with the other losers to try and beat the gang from seeing them.

"Oh shit we're in deep shit now thanks for doing that dipshit dorkus!", Veronica kept running before slapping Richie in the back of his hand

"Ya know I didn't know you had that type of mouth in ya"

"Well if it isn't the Losers club, wheezer, redhead, fatboy, stutters, Jew,outcast, Bucky Beaver, and Blindy " Henry snapped before feeling a rock impale his arm,

"LOVINO NO! ", Veronica shouted as he kept throwing them back to back .

" WHY AREN'T YOU GUYS FIGHTING ", Lovino shouted back throwing punches at Henry as he grabbed the younger boy throwing him into the middle of the alley watching the other kids beat up the gang, punches were being thrown left and right bloody noses everywhere and yet no victor yet to be done.

"Tell me who threw the popcorn at me blindly .." He picked her up by the collar of her shirt

"Bev NOW!" , she shouted as Bev pulled her leg back extending into Henry's crotch making the boy double over in pain dropping Veronica as Bev caught the girl in her arms as the boys were all badly damaged especially

"Lovi!"Eddie shouted while Veronica ran towards him

"You gotta let him grow up...", Mike said his fist aching "Let him find out who he is Ronnie you can't protect him" . 


 " And then you were like I gotcha Ron! ", Lovino smiled sprawled out on the floor of the underground club house. Eddie smiled laying on Lovino's chest , Stan laying on his leg as he kept retelling the story of the fight over and over and over again. He had never felt so much excitement in his life because Veronica always tried to take that thrill from him that chill that served to be the purpose in a boys life .

"Mike you were right.." Veronica sighed looking up from her sketchbook as he was fanning himself.

"I baby him too much.., Always have , when he's sick I feed him and when he's sad i try "

"I'm not telling you to stop caring for him but , just like you experienced Derry and who you are and who you love you gotta let him experience it too, his first crush, his fir-"

The two paused as Eddie's lips were attached to Lovino's like a leach causing them both to blush " Why don't ya shut up sometime Lovi", he turned around seeing Veronica's face,

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