Chapter 8: Us Against The Macroverse

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"Open up...", The voice from outside mumbled , Veronica's heartbeat began to race as her palms were getting sweaty and head heavy. She could sense him ,smell him, but she did not see him following her to Derry right after she threatened to shoot him if he so even followed her to this god forsaken cursed town. "If you're in there Veronica.... I'm gonna hurt ya so bad baby ,so bad", he unlocked the door of the house and as he did Veronica was ready for him, waiting for loaded and ready to shoot his ever loving body out hi-.

"You left me for this!". Eric laughed touching her arm the same way he did that night, that same night when they were at their lowest .


"How much for this one". This was the fifth man this week who had came up to Eric and asked, "How much for the girl with curls". Eric smiled patting Veronica on her back almost pushing her into the man. Veronica hated everything about this ,about him. The heels of the thigh boots clacked against the pavement, as she looked back towards her boyfriend she wondered and wondered hard as to why this was his last resort on money. Veronica knew that he was low on studio money but there were so many more options than.

"We've got yourself a sale .. 4 hours with Ronica for 60 bucks, she'll do everything you want"

"No I-!!", He slapped her hard across her cheek as he then kissed her forehead

"You'll do what he tells you to do and you're gonna like it, then he'll drop you off somewhere"

Veronica only nodded as she got into the strange man's car .

"Aren't you a beauty..." , He smirked his hand on his lap as the men who were in the backseat watched with anticipation all of them wanting their share of Ronica.

"Thanks si-", another strike on her cheek, her tears began to flow just like the down pouring rain outside of New York City . The young woman could only cry as she felt his hand go up her short skirt being violated by him, being violated by everyone in New York every night.

"Did I tell you to talk whore ... i paid good money for us to have a good time...", He smacked her again ,"And we're gonna have a good time".

Her vision was blurred by the smack and by the pain between her hips the car ride never ending as he threw her in the back with the men the color of red surrounding her and the feeling of unease the feeling of how many times can one girl go through this (how many can you).

"Veronica...", a feminine voice said holding her close seeing how bruised up she was .



"Veronica!!!, STOP YOU'RE GONNA KILL HIM",Richie shouted trying to pry the woman off the other man. The words coming out of Veronica's mouth were no longer human.As her arms were wrapped around Eric's throat she hadn't notice the gurgling sounds coming from his now purple face let alone the wheezing . This was her moment , her time to get him back from all the years he had taken away from her . From every strike , strangle, and degrading name he ever did or called her , he would be dying from the woman who gave him her everything when he least accepted it from her heart even to virginity (although that did however belong to a certain boy in glasses , but what he didn't know only made her stronger than him.). Richie smiled before picking Veronica up her body slightly heavier than he had imagined it to be, he couldn't help himself but laugh at a joke that would have brought her to peace (But right now wasn't the time).

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