was it easy?

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picking her and disregarding me.
did it hurt you?
did it ever hurt you?
or was it just me?
was it just me that felt the hurt vibrate through every nerve in my body?
every cell in my blood.
every muscle in my limbs.
every goddamn bone in my body.

did it hurt you?
did it ever hurt you?
to see me staring at you with such fucking agony that i have to cry.
causing me to run to whoever i can find first that will tell me i'll be okay.

did it ever occur to you how i'd feel?
did you ever fucking wonder?
did you wonder about what could've been if it was us?
did you ever lose sleep thinking whether its appropriate to simply text or call you?

i hope it was worth it.
i hope she found what i found in ur messy hair or ur deep eyes.
i hope she believed in you like i believed in us.
i hope she was enough and more.
because i guess
i just wasn't.


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