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everytime i see the date.
the 28th.
it reminds me that i was too late.
to rescue you from the firey pits of depression and relentless feelings of unworthiness.

it reminds me that i was too late.
to find you this time, to reach you this time, to call you this time.

sometimes i blame myself for being in hawaii.
i look back and cry because i don't remember our last goodbye.

i failed you vo.

simple as the sky.
simple as the locker click of your combination.
simple as the smile you forced.

i failed you.
cold, hard, blunt failure.

and it eats me up everyday.
the 2 and the 8.
every month, never late.
the 2 and the 8.
its been almost a year without you, sad is an understatement at this rate.
the 2 and the 8.
the numbers together i'll always hate.


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