the best drug

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i love the way your hands rest upon my skin.
claiming me so intimately, so beautifully.
i love the way your fingers drag their warmth across my bareness.
naked, i feel radiated from the heat your fingers pour into the softness of my body.
i love the way your arms lock me in.
aligning our figures as we mold from the entirety of our love.
i love the way your lips touch my skin.
where my skin is soft, thin, thick,
you meet my smoothness with the serenity your lips allow,
sending sweet love songs to become engraved in the secrets of my soul.
i love the way your eyes look at me.
the contact we make when we want passion, loving so boldly, so shamelessly.
the spark of every flame possible in my body, gasoline dripping, your eyes ignite me.
i love the way your tongue trails along my lips and my sex and the rest of my body.
entangled in my vulnerabilities, your tongue inscribes stories on my skin,
forever a privilege to be pleasured by the trips you bring me on.

the high i receive from loving you is one no drug could ever produce.
and as i lay in bed thinking about the way our bodies connect,
so perfectly and yet so clumsily,
i desire the comfort and happiness you can only give.
for your love has become my endless muse.
and my love for you has inevitably become endless.

this one is for you my love -m

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