5 days outfit

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5 days outfit routine for school! Outfit special!
(Part 2)

Cute&adorable Wednesday:
The day you can dress cute and adorable

-Pinafore style garments

-Striped and colorful tops, tights

-Sleeveless t-shirts with stars and other cute designs

-Shorts, including shorts over tights for winter

-Tops and jackets with cute emblems, symbols etc, such as Hello Kitty

-Flouncy skirts, tutus, tulle lined skirts, short skirts

-Leggings are generally cute

- shoes with boys

-open tied sandals in pastel colours

- Mary Janes

- ballet flats

- a bubbly bob

- pigtails, braids or plaits

- Bows in the hair, hair accessories in the shape of little animals, stars, plants etc.

- charm bracelets

- brooches with animals with them

- necklace with stars, moon. Etc.

cute lingerie:
- anything with butterfly's

- ladybugs

- small birds

- kittens


- maps

- patterns

- dolls

- faces

- slogans

- polka dots

- frills

- little bows

Yourself Thursday:
The day you can dress yourself up like the way you want!

Rock'n roll Friday:
The day you can show people that you are fearless and dangerous and not just cute and adorable

-Leather jackets

-Ripped denim of any kind

-Vintage tees

-Scuffed Doc Martens and cowboy boots

-Velvet blazers

-Accessories like chains, studded belts and scarves

- chucks

- vans

- killer boots

- cowboy boots

- black heels

-Metal studs


-Safety pins


- ponytail

- messy bun

- braid.

I'm more.. Yourself Thursday 😂😁
What about you?
Casual Monday?
T-shirt Tuesday?
Cute&adorable Wednesday?
Yourself Thursday?
Or rock'n roll Friday?

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