Fall room decoration!

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So I'm so exited about this one! Since I have done the same thing too my room and it looks fab! I hope you like it and if you do something on your room so use the hash tag #falldecorationwlilli if you will and I will check instagram and twitter and follow 5 of you guys :)

Ok so.. Lets get started!

so I decide to spice up my bed with some pillows with a warm colour like wine red, red or orange and have a super cute fox pillow that a girl named Katie sent to me, thank you Katie! And the blanket is all withe with cute flowers on and I love it! You can choose anything you like that you think look like fall :)

I always, always,always put some candles that smells good in my room, my favourite is apple. Omg! It's smell so good!

And some Christmas lights above your bed or some place in your room that you like. You can use colour light but I go for a simple white.

DIY: ok so this DIY you need

~ sissors ✂
~ fake leaf (with fall colour)
~ pictures of your friend, family,pet or anything you like.
~ hot glue
~and a thick tread.

Step 1: you take your pictures and leafs and glue them together, but be carefull that if you glueb them together make sure that the leaf will be noticeable

Step 2: take the thick tread and cut it as long as you want it to be.

Step3: then you take the leafs and glue it together,

Step 4: and you're done! Hang it on your room and enjoy all those memories :D

Pumpkin DIY: I actually got this DIY from the super cool youtuber Bethany Mota!

What you need:
~ a fake pumpkin (or a real one if your parents give you permission)
~paint in any colour you want (I go for gold)
~ a round paintsponge and a regular paintbrush
~ and paper

Step 1: you can buy a fake pumpkin in walmarts or target, first you take your paper and paint. Squeeze some paint out.

Step 2: you grab your paint sponge and dip it in your paint, then you take your paintbrush and taking spins around the sponge so the paint will just be at the top of the sponge.

Step 3: and push the sponge against the pumpkin carefully, you do this around the pumpkin and then you get cute pokedots! It's so cute and you can place it on your night table or desk.

I hope you like this and if you Try it out use the hash tag #falldecorationwlilli :D

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