Your own bubble bath

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How to Make Your Own Bubble Bath!!

Ready to take a relaxing bath, but you don't have anything to make it bubbly? You can make your own bubble bath using just a few supplies you already have on hand! The best thing about homemade bubble bath is that you can customize it to make it perfect for your skin and preferences. See Step 1 and beyond to learn how to make your own bubble bath - and find out what secret ingredient helps the bubbles last longer!


#1: Choose a soap. Soap is the foundation to any good bubble bath - after all, that's where the bubbles come from. You could make a nice bath soak without it, but bubbles require soap. You'll need 1/2 cup of soap for this recipe. Pour it into an old shampoo bottle or another container. Any of the following types of soap work well:

•Shampoo - the sudsier, the better

•Dish soap

•Hand soap

•Castile soap

#2: Add honey or another moisturizing agent. For a truly luxurious bubble bath, add some honey. Just 1 tablespoon will help trap moisture against your skin while you bathe, so your bubble bath will help your skin stay smooth and soft. If you'd prefer not to use honey, add 1 tablespoon of one of the following:

•Olive oil

•Almond oil

•Jojoba oil


#3: Add an egg white. Just 1 egg white added to your bubble bath mixture will take your bath to the next level by helping the bubbles stay big and strong instead of popping the moment you get in the tub. Many homemade bubble baths don't last longer than a few minutes, and this special ingredient makes all the difference.

#4: Add essential oils. If you want the added benefits of aromatherapy during bath time, add 5 drops of the essential oil of your choice. Your bubble bath will smell divine and help you destress after a long day. Here are a few great bath oils:


•Rose geranium



#5: Shake it up. Once all your ingredients are in the container, shake them together to mix them. Your customized bubble bath mix is now ready for the bath.


Running a relaxing bath!!

#1: Put your tub stopper into the drain and start running the water. Make sure it is a comfortable hot temperature. Let it run for a few minutes before you start adding the bubble bath mix.

#2: Pour the bubble bath into the stream of running water. The running water will help the bubble bath begin foaming up. You should see rich, frothy bubbles taking shape in your tub.

#3: Fill the tub. Let the water run until it is deep enough to completely submerge your whole body.

#4: Soak in the intoxicating bubbles for about 20 minutes.



Listen to calming music.

Taking a bath 90 minutes before bed helps you sleep.

If you like, play some relaxing music.

Light some candles to set the mood.

Pamper yourself! Shave your legs and other areas and apply a face mask maybe? Give yourself a manicure and pedicure and then head off to bed!

Adding baths salts can soften up your skin.


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