the lion fell in love with the lamb

42 3 0

"A truly strong person does not need the approval of others anymore than a lion needs the approval of the sheep." ~ Vernon Howard

You found a new place in the centre of town.

Amidst the myriad of shoppers

crowding the popular boutiques.

The ones you used to despise.

Do you remember?

Do you remember Logan.

When you used to rant about them,

Calling them sheep among men.

You told me thats why you liked me,

Because I went against the status quo.

Indifferent to social norms,

society's expectations.

I was your lioness.

You said you craved the substance I


Well what the fuck was that?

My figure?

Or my fabulous wit?

Maybe it was the ellicits that I sold,

behind grungy punk rock bars,

and derelict pubs.

Pointing to the conceivability

that it was infact,

meant literally,

not metaphorically,

as I had assumed at the time.

How was it that you described it?


An addiction you said you couldn't give


Well apparently,

You could.

Now your one of them.

So I suppose that would make me the


And you the lamb.


The irony has not escaped me.

But the lion in me has.

I don't roar anymore.

It would appear,

we have both become,

the type of people we most despised.

How unfortunate.

Neither of us,

managed to come out unscathed.

Yet somehow,

you moved on.

But have you really,

if your no longer being true to yourself?

Or was that a facade,

for my eyes only,

to conceal the truth.


you were always picket fenced suburbia


And you were just clever enough,

to conceal it from me.

I was your little adventure.

Your fling with the dark side.

The mysterious downtown girl.

Well then Logan,

How was your brush with danger?

Is the grass really greener?

I guess not.

Apperently it rubbed off on you though.

Your infinitely more heartless than I

ever was,

to be sure.

I think I would be more suited to

wretched suburbia now.

Where everyone hides a secret,

or two.

Hiding behind 2.3 children,

never exchanging more than pleasant


If I had the energy,

I might feel ashamed.


even enough to change it.


I haven't eaten for seven days,

did you know that Logan?

Probably not.

It's my lucky number.

Full of mysticism and magic.

Do you remember?

Do you remember Logan?

Probably not.


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