one last time with feeling

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"How unhappy does one have to be before living seems worse than dying." ~ Deborah Curtis

He wished,

on every single star in her velvetine


for just one more chance,

just one.

To start over,

make things right.

Repair the devastation.

He couldn't rightly comprehend,


the capacity of his insecurities,

to wreak such agony.

He berated his unassured heart,

for thinking,

it would be best

to be apart.

For not recognising it,

that feeling,

for what it really was.

That filled him from forehead to feet,

tugging the strings of his heart,

like the chords of their most potent,

their most fierce emotions.

Reverberating through his bones,

igniting him,

with the light of the stars.

with her.

It was not infact,

a sign of disharmony,

between a boy and a girl.

But in actuality,

a testimony to the depths of his


for a fierce storm,

wrapped in the flesh of a girl.


All that held that miraculous,

storming hurricane together.

Unconsciously terrified,

of the implications of this,

he fled,

A bag filled with all the remorse and


he will know,

when he finally opens that pandora's


The pull was constant however,

wherever he hid,

his compass always pointing due north,

to the depths of her orbit.

So like a man condemned to hang,

he took to his heels,

due south.

Where the world expected him.

Into anothers arms.

Despite her affection,

and his ceaseless attempts,

to forget,

her embrace could never replace the

one before it.

His entire life was divided into two.

Before and After.

But where the two met,

the lines blurred,

the lines of his once steady path,

curving towards the planet she


or rather the universe of she lived in.

He couldn't handle it.



Everything that came with her.

Atleast his entire life up until that


he was led to believe he was nothing

but what was expected of him.

The golden boy,

who could do no wrong.

And what would they say now?

Would anyone even give a shit,

would they care that his orbit,


could be described,

as an unremarkable and entirely

forgettable trajectory,

and Now was irrevocably unendurably


directed so far north he reached

galaxies yet to be born,

and stars almost as alive as her.

And that After,

she joined Pluto,

in the dearly departed line.

He imagined she was Jupiter

and he one of her many moons,

he continued on the congurent course,

orbiting the space she had once


Unable to remember,

his previous trajectory,

thus lost among her infinite stars,

Begging for oblivion.

He wished on every falling star,

to turn back time,

to pull her into his arms,

and never let go.

"To late" they whispered.

"Fuck" he breathes.


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