a beginning of some kind

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"She clung to that which had robbed her, as people do." ~ William Faulkner

It was december fourteen,

when you crept into my world.

With no noise,

so quietly I barely even noticed,

until I was trapped so tight,

I couldn't escape.

I was listening to the Stones,

as they played through the store.

On that red faded loveseat,

that one I used to love,

and no longer do.


as I often did then,

and no longer do now.

I guess I misjudged your intentions,

your motives hidden,

behind a facade of assured poise,

the tenacity with which you incessantly

pursued me,

and your darling looks.

So damn fine.

I suppose it was my fault,

for thinking you could save me.

Could fix me.

But you were just another kings men,

and they,

like you,

couldn't put me back together again.

Because you were just a boy,

who had never known darkness,

and I was just a girl,

with the world on my shoulders.

Trying not to drown,

in my oblivion.


a tragedy of some kindWhere stories live. Discover now