"Glerry" AU

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TW: Attempted Suicide, Mention of Self Harm, Cute Ass Gay ShiT... until he dies..

*short story ish*

(Vent, sorry not sorry)

Yes they are in the 9th grade- oops. I slipped. Sorry for killing y'all... and glenn...


Glenn glanced down at the large text book placed in his lap.

March 1765, The Stamp Act

The words spread across the page, red and bolded. Did he really care right now about what some old men thought was worthy of war?
Stamps. Seriously?

He bit his lip, looking up at the clock as the teacher read from the page. Eleven fourteen. Atleast ten more minutes of this bullshit.

He couldn't keep still. His head was killing him, but sonething deep inside him was happy for once.

Just ten more minutes.

He smiled inside to himself, his eyes darted around the room until they landed in a boy with purple hair looking back at him. Glenn quickly tore his eyes away and looked down to his text book again. 

The boy smiled down at the text after noticing the one he liked looking his dierection. His heart fluttered as he felt his face burn hot and his hands grow sweaty. He was going to ask that boy out today. No matter what.

The bell eventually rang, cracking through the sudden silence of the classroom, excusing the students from class. Glenn rushed out, not noticing the boy's eyes on him,  hurrying down the hall to the locker room.

He opened the big wooden door, the smell of Axe filling his brain as he walkes through.
He set his bag down on the bench and began to dig through everything trying to locate the familiar rattle of a bottle of pills hidden inside.

His hands shook. He was finally doing this.

His wrists ached from previous burns and slashes he had now laid there permanently.

He clutched the bottle in his hand, took one last look at himself in the mirror and let the pills spill into his mouth, soon to be a bitter sweet release.

The door creaked open as he had shoved the last few onto his tounge. Just five would do it.

The purple haired boy stood.

His world began to grow black as the boy started to panic, grasping at Glenn's sweatshirt.

"Don't fucking leave me."


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