I Am N̶o̶t Afraid To Die.

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Wowie. I haven't had a chance to work on NOTLD at all this month. Fuck. sorry! I've had a lot of family shit going on and I've had to help my sister clean out my cousin's shit (she commited suicide last month) and it's pretty fucking hard on us both, considering she was like a sister to us and shit so idk I haven't really been able to think of much else.

Maybe this could make up for it idk? Prolly not.

This is the next bit of the previous "Glerry" AU.

Yes. I'm calling it Glerry now. I can't wait for one of them to somehow come across this amd hunt me down and break my face because of this. What am I doing??

I'm also kinda making them both seem like "weak" or whatever so like, even more reason for one of them to fucking murder me.

Though Glenn is a little bitch. Sorry not sorry.

(Need I remind y'all of that video on World star of him getting knocked the fuck out? No? Okay.)


I'm sorry this is so short. I wanna write more of these and just have then be like, 200 words e/a or something. I like the idea so fucc you if u don't.

I woke up, the bright white light stinging my eyes, a pain of a needle in my left arm, and the beeping of a monitor somewhere in the area. I felt like utter shit. I felt someone near me, clutched onto my right arm, gripping my hand tightly as I laid there motionless.

My head burned and my eyes hurt as the fluttered open into the bright lights. My stomach churned as I attempted to move. The person next to me sat up, tears flooding their eyes as they met mine. A smile swept across his face.

I recognized him. Not too well, but I knew he looked familiar and that made me feel warm and safe inside for a few moments.

     "God you fucking scared me there." He muttered, his voice breaking as he tried to contain himself.

I was confused, but I definently knew now as I looked around I was in a hospital.

His hair was purple, almost blue, something that really seemed to catch my eye. I reached my arm up to let my fingers brush across his face in an attempt to calm him.
     "I'm so glad you're not dead." He sighed as he bit his lip, his eyes never leaving mine.
"You really fucking scared me there, Glenn."

I tried to sit up, feeling my arm hurt more as I tugged gentally at the needle, the scars across my arms mentally burned as his fingers lightly rode across them as he tried to help me up.

As he sat across from me and looked at me, hope filling his eyes, it all came back to me. Everything up until moments before I went out.
    "I honestly didn't want to be here when you woke up." He said. "But I guess I'm glad I was.. Someone had to be here."
I'd be lying if I said I didn't start to catch feelings right there.. but I'm not gay.

I coughed.

     "How long was I out?" I managed through the raspieness of my voice.

      "Four weeks." He said as he pulled at his sleeves "I'm sorry you had to go through this alone.."

     "It's okay.. it's not like it wasn't my fault." I laughed it off, feeling my stupidity rising in my chest.

The boy looked down to his hands placed in his lap and shrugged.
He muttered something I didn't quite catch, but he quickly turned red so I figured I shouldn't ask him to repeat himself.

I could hear buzzing in my ears as he stood up and sat down next to me on the scratchy bed sheets, and grabbed my hand.
        "It's all going to be okay now." He said before leaning down to hug me.
       "I-I have to go now.." he hummed softly.

He then stood up, grabbed his jacket, and began to walk out of the room.
       "I'll come back... I promise."

I couldn't quite tell what it was, but there was something about that boy. I knew he was in my History and my Maths classes, but I had never really talked to him much before. Why did he care about me?

Why do I like him?

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