Tom Tord part three

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Freshman year of college so most of this is legal okay- don't yell at me.

The three if us, Edd, Tord, and I walked out in the bitter cold of the night. The moon shone perfectly down onto Tord's face, his cuteness making me blush.
We were walking to Matt's house to spend the night.

I would call it a sleepover, but we were mainly just going to hang out all night, and keeping Matt in mind, we'd probably stay up all night watching Return of the Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell Two.

While Edd rambled on about his cat, Ringo, and how much he loved the shit out of that cat, I keep my eyes down to the pavement, watching my feet sway back and fourth as I walked.

Tord hummed in response a few times until we all just fell in silence. I looked up to Tord for a second, hoping he'd strike up conversation as I really REALLY hate silence, but caught butterflies at his eyes glowing soft in the moonlight.

I had really fell hard for this boy.

"So are you two a thing?" Edd giggled slightly.
We we're nearly three blocks away. Nearly an entire walk without Edd bringing something up or winking or nudging at me.

"Tom and I?" Tord laughed back, his head falling back as he pulled a pack of cigarettes, lighting one inbetween his teeth. "No, no, no, no. Tom is just a friend." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his taller structure.
"My best friend"

"Dammit." Edd hissed with another light giggle.

My hair fell in my face, and I tried to get it to go back up and stop fucking with me, but it wouldn't listen. I threw my hands back into the pockets of my overly large red sweatshirt with frustration.

Tord held his hand out to me then.  In between his fingers a cigarette.
"Want one, pretty boy?"

My chest tightened as he called me that, my heart beating faster. I snatched it and the lighter from his hand, quickly lighting it and tossing him back the lighter.

"You know that stuff is bad for you, right?" Edd said as Tord shoved the pack back into his jeans.

"That's why I didn't offer you one."


We all sat on the couch watching some horror movie Matt picked up I couldn't remember the name of. I sat to the left of the couch with my knees tucked up and a big fluffy blanket thrown across myself, Tord to the right, one leg strung off  the couch, one tucked up to his chest, his arm resting upon it.

Edd sat below me next to Matt on the carpet, leaning on eachother as they watched the movie.

"Oh my god." Tord groaned "This movie is so cliche!"
I kicked him in the side.
"Shut up."

"Stop flirting you two!" Matt laughed. "We're trying to watch a movie."

My face was hot as Tord laughed along, until soon I excused myself, claiming I was thirsty.
I walked out of the room and in towards Matt's kitchen.
I opened the fridge, of course to find nothing there. I was lightly discouraged, until I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around quickly to see Tord with an open bottle of vodka in his hands, holding it out to me.

"Take it." He said. "I know Matt doesn't have anything here better than water, so I brought this along."

I looked at him for a moment, skeptical if he had spiked it and planned on leaving me half dead in a dumpster somewhere. His expression was pure and it was clear he had drank some of it aswell, so I took the half empty bottle from his fist and held it to my lips.

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