owo tomtord p 4

7 1 0

     Rip Edd. :(( also it's my birthday. (Or it was at the time I'm finishing this up its 1am on the 26th) What a day for a birthday.

      I awoke to the front door unlocking and Edd's loud voice ringing through my ears and into my skull, I'd recognize his voice anywhere. My head pounded. It hurt to try and open my eyes. I was clearly lying across the floor as I felt carpet among my fingers on the flat, hard surface.

"Thomas, Tordo, We're back and we brought-" his words fell to an abrupt stop as the doot latched again behind him.
"Oh what did you two get up to last night?"

I felt something move from beside me, tearing the sheets up off of me, a cold breeze making it's way across my bare back. A hand was placed on my shoulder as it roughly shook me.

"Holy fuck, Tom!" He hissed

I sat up as fast as I could, only being faced with a wall. I turned around to see Edd and Matt holding large packs of cola, their faves bright red as Matt tried not to burst out laughing. Edd just looked straight up embarrased.

Then I realised I was shirtless.

I scrabbled to pull the blankets from the floor back up onto myself as I looked around for my red sweatshirt.

I turned to the right, finding it, but also finding it was attached to a body.


It all came back to me then, despite the hangover and intoxication.

When he kissed me.
When he ran out.
The way I told him I loved him in the rain.
The way I kissed him back.
The way we walked through the door, our lips still locked.
How I gave him my sweatshirt over his soaked blue one and then I think I blacked out on the floor.

"It wasn't anything bad I promise-" I rushed "I just... We just..."

"You like him!" Matt shouted "I knew it! Oh my fucking jesus."

Tord hid his blushing face in the sleeves of my sweatshirt as he stood up and excused himself from the room, locking himself in the bathroom.

I found Tord's blue hoodie, supprisingly being dry, and figuring I had nothing else I pulled it over my head.

"What... exactly happened last night?" Edd asked.

"Uh, what happened with you?" I spat, folding my arms infront of my chest.

The two looked to eachother, their faces both growing red before turning their gaze elsewhere.
"Not important." They noted in unison.

They totally fucked.

"Tord and I just stayed up late, that's all." I said.

Matt set the items in his arms down onto the coffee table as he glared at me.

"Okay, I may have been hella hammered and may not remember much, but we definently didn't go THAT far."
I could feel the look they both gave me then going straight into my soul.

"That far." Edd said. "You admit you went somewhere."

I knocked gently on the bathroom door.
"Tord... Edd left and Matt is downstairs... you can come out now."


Panic filled my body as a lump formed in my throat, my hands began to shake and my knees grew weak.

I noticed the key had been slipped underneath the door and bent down to pick it up, slowly unlocking the door, expecting the worst.

I was met with an empty room and an open window.


Its the first of April... im a slacker. Holy fuck.


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