So many ☆Stars☆ in the sky

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(And I don't know why they always have to fall on me)

Fuck here's more of that Glerry AU.

I'm fucking crying over this shit... in which I wrote. Wow what a pussy. :/


I stared out the window near my hospital bed as I sat on the edge. The stars cast a light in through the window, each one twinkling slowly, sparking against the black night sky.

They'd let me out soon, surley. For right now I was pretty much just on suicide watch.

There was a soft knock upon the door.

The boy with purple hair walked in cautiously holding a bouquet of roses.
   "Hello." A smile traced his lips as he approached the side of the bed, handing me the blood-red roses.
"Are you doing any better?"

I shrugged. He nodded, sitting next to me, placing his hand on mine.
     "The sky sure is pretty tonight." He sighed softly, his fingers wrapping around my own.

We sat in silence, we watched through the window as the stars lit up the sky.

          "Uh..." he hummed, holding my hand tighter "W-when you get out what are you going to do?"

          "I don't know... what do you mean?" I asked, turning to face him.
         "Like, are you going to hurt yourself again?" He questioned, pointing to my scarred arms.

I looked down to the roses, illuminated by the star-light.
I shook my head.
          "Probably not... hopefully not..."

He nodded, letting go of my hand and wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Why'd you do it?"

I could tell he was about to cry.


"No. Like. Actually. Why." He hissed as he held back tears.

"Because... like, do you ever get that feeling that you're all alone and nobody loves you and you'd probably just be better off dead?"

He shook his head.

"Okay.. maybe I'm a little unstable, but it's whatever."

"Listen, you should never feel like nobody loves you.. Someone out there does, whether you know it or not." He said, grabbing my shoulders and making me face him. "You're not alone, Glenn."

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