tom tord part two

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~Two years later~

(Junior year)

Since the end of 9th grade when Edd introduced me to Tord, Matt has said I've been acting different and claims it's because he knows I like him. Truth is, I'd rather fucking drown myself in Clorox bleach then ever get with that jerk off. I sit across from him at the lunch table, my arms folded out in front of me, I felt like my face portrayed pure annoyance but knowing me I probably looked like a fucking idiot

"Tom, mi amour!" he laughed, his voice rising my blood pressure even more "Why so down?"

"I'm not your love." I hissed. "Get the fuck away from me!" luckily for me the others hadn't arrived for lunch yet or Edd would be fucking shouting at me right now.

"You don't love me?" he acted hurt, yet leaving a big smirk laid across his lips. Got to admit it was kind of a cute smile, even if it was cunning and evil.

Speak of the devil, Edd walked up, his backpack slung lazily over his shoulder as he waved to us both and gave me a sly wink. I looked down to the ground for a few seconds to avoid Edd's shit.

"How are you two getting along?" he asked, setting down his bag on the table and taking a seat. Tord looked my way as he ran his hand through his hair, I swear I saw a slight sparkle in his violently bland grey eyes.

"We are." He said, his eyes meeting mine as the words slurred out of his mouth. "Quite well actually." Edd's face lit up as he too glanced over at me.

"Good. Good... well I need to steal Tommy boy away from you for a second!" he sputtered, standing to his feet and grabbing me by the arm. He pulled me down the hall and around the corner before pushing me up against the wall, both hands on either side of my arms.

"You like him!" he screeched. I shook my head.

"No, I don't actually." I pushed him off me and settled for just standing next to him. "I'd rather fucking shoot myself." Edd beamed, his smile only getting wider.

"No, you'd father fuck Tord."

I felt my face burning as my heart did flips in my chest. Just the slight thought of Tord even looking towards me gave me butterflies... because I fucking hated him of course. There's nothing I'd fucking hate more than him holding my hand and giving him soft kisses on the neck and cuddling up next to him on the couch as we watched movies late at night...

"You're blushing!" Edd called "You do like him." I put my face in the sleeves of my blue sweatshirt.

"No, I'm not!" I mumbled through the red fabric. "I fucking hate him!"

"You got to admit it. I see the way you look at him."

I looked up at my friend, his green emerald eyes glowing back my way. A friend I've had since the first grade. A friend who's seen me at my worst and my best. Edd.

If anyone knows me, surely, it's Edd, right? He would know if I liked someone because he knows me better than anyone else.


"Never will I fucking ever admit to liking Tord Larsson!" I hissed running off back into the direction of the lunch room.

As I saw him sitting there, smiling as he conversed with Matt, I realized I had probably just lied to my best friend.

I admit, I like Tord Larsson.

\ Stuff I Write When I'm Bored /Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt