Part 6

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* away...

*meanwhile in Bryant's apartment*
*Ethan's POV*
*Grayson had said he forgot his phone in the car and had went to go get it. I couldn't stop thinking about y/n, which meant I couldn't stop blushing. Eventually Bryant noticed.*

Bryant: Dude! You like her!
Ethan: (stuttering) what makes you say that?
Bryant: it's so obvious! You light up around her and even when she leaves you are glowing just thinking about her
Ethan: doesn't matter... she'd never go for me anyway
Bryant: you might be surprised...
Ethan: (excitedly) what?! Why?! Has she said something?!?!?
Bryant: (shaking his head) jeez boy you got it bad...
Ethan: can you blame me? She's perfect! She breathtakingly beautiful, insanely smart, so talented. She's so passionate about her photos and she's so outgoing and adventurous. She's literally the perfect girl for me!
Bryant: well that may be so, but keep in mind you may not be the only one that thinks so...
Ethan: What do you mean?
Bryant: well your not the only one that lights up when she walks in a room, and a certain twin brother of yours that went to get his phone....had it in his back pocket....

*great! Grayson likes her too. Even better he's probably out there making his move right now! I have to come up with something and fast....*

Ethan's POV*
*all of a sudden the door slams. Bryant and I turn to look and see Grayson storm in. He looks angry...did y/n reject him?? Is it bad I'm hoping that's what's wrong? No I can't think like that no matter how much I fall for this girl I would never want my brother to get hurt...would I?*

Bryant: Woah dude...what's up
Grayson: (shouts)nothing!
Ethan: bro calm down
Grayson:(apologetically) sorry dude I didn't mean to lash out...I'm just upset
Bryant: obviously man...
Ethan: what's wrong?
Grayson: well I didn't forget my phone in the car...
E&B: we know
Grayson: oh...
Ethan: gray what happened
Grayson: well I went to catch up with y/n and I saw her with this guy and he started flirting and she was buying it. They exchanged numbers and everything and it just really got to me ok...
Bryant: well who was it?
Grayson: some guy named Nate
Bryant: oh...
E&G: what do you mean by that!
Bryant:'s just... he's pretty popular with the ladies and a bit of a player... I don't want to see y/n get hurt...
Grayson: I will not let that happen
Ethan: neither will I!
Bryant: guys that's fine but make sure you aren't the ones to hurt her in the process ok?
E&G: never!
Ethan: gray we should probably head out
Grayson: yeah your right...I have a feeling we have a lot to talk about...

*we say goodbye to Bryant and schedule another time to finalize things with the pictures. We get to the bronco and Grayson just drives. Before I know it we arrive at our secret spot. This is where we came to talk anytime we had a fight or had to make a big decision. It was our safe place. Besides you could yell until your throat bled and no one would hear you, so this is how we haven't gotten thrown out of our apartment yet. We both go and sit on the rock ledge looking out over the city.*

Grayson: so you like her don't you?
Ethan: yeah... but so do you
Grayson: yeah...
Ethan: so what do we do?
Grayson: I think we need to work together to make sure she doesn't get hurt by Nate, and then we can revisit this issue.
Ethan: your right... no matter our feelings I don't want to see her ever hurt, so that should be our first priority.
Grayson: so how exactly do we do that?
Ethan: dude, I have no idea...

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