Part 17

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*Y/n POV*
*I grab my phone and send Gray a text*

From Y/n: hey babe, can we meet at our place, there's something I have to talk to you about...

From Grayson: yeah of course! Everything ok? I actually have something I have to talk to you about too...

From y/n: can you be there in 10

From Grayson: I'll be there in 5

From y/n: I love you

From Grayson: I love you more

*I smile at my phone realizing how lucky I really am. I throw on leggings and a crop top. Pull my hair into a ponytail, grab my converse and I'm out the door. On the drive there I can't help thinking of what's going to happen when I talk to him...  Soon I'm at the park and walk up the hill to our spot. A few days after we started dating, we went for a late night walk cause I was really stressed. Grayson hated seeing me like that so he decided to get my mind off of it. He told me just to take off running and wherever I ended up would become our spot. I took off, my mind felt so clear in that moment, I couldn't even remember what I was upset about. I had no clue where I was going and finally I stopped when I physically couldn't go anymore. I ended up in a wooded area with some big rocks and a river. It was beautiful. Ever since then whenever we needed to talk, or just get away we would go there. I walk to the rocks and I see gray beat me here. I take a deep breath and walk over to him. He immediately engulfs me in a hug, I never want to let go because honestly right now I'm not sure how many more of those I will get...*

Grayson: hey babe
Y/n: hi
Grayson: you goin g to tell me what's going on or you just gonna stay buried in my arms for ever... Hey I'm not complaining
Y/n: gives a small laugh) sorry babe I just love your hugs
Grayson: well you can have one when ever
Y/n: I love you
Grayson: I love you more
*i can tell he senses something is off with me. He's worried...*
Y/n: we should probably sit down...
Grayson: ok?
Y/n: here know that photographer gig Bryant applied me for?
Grayson: yeah of course!
Y/n: well I got it...
Grayson: BABE that's amazing!!! I'm so so so proud of you!
Y/n: thanks babe
Grayson: why are you not thrilled... I would have thought you would be jumping around like a crazy person
Y/n: well there's a catch to the job...
Grayson: what is it?
Y/n: it's in Greece, and it's for a whole year...
Grayson: oh... when would you leave?
Y/n: my flight would be tomorrow...
Grayson: should be packing
Y/n: tearing up) I can't take it gray... I can't...I can't leave you...I love you
Grayson: baby girl I love you too and that's why I want you to go. You've dreamed of an opportunity like this for forever. You can not pass it up now because of me. And I won't be here anyway...
Y/n: what? What do you mean?!
Grayson: our manager called... we are going on a second tour
Y/n: Gray that's awesome!!!! I'm so happy for you! Y'all have wanted this for so long!
Grayson: yeah but we have a bigger following now so that means more shows, more stops, more time on the road...
Y/n: long?
Grayson: around a year and a half...
Y/n: woah...when does it start?
Grayson: we leave to start touring venues tomorrow night and tour kicks off in a few months...
Y/n: wow...that's...quick
Grayson: it all happened so fast....
Y/n: so what do we do gray
Grayson: I don't know I guess we should both
Y/n&Grayson: chase our dreams...

Y/n POV*
*i can't hold back anymore..the tears begin to slip down my face. Grayson pulls me too him and wraps me in a big hug. I can't help but think all the struggles, everything we've overcome, worked through or around, everything we fought for was...was for nothing. How can this be the end...I'm not ready...*

Grayson's POV*
*I hold her tight as her tears being to fall on my shirt. I try to be strong but the I can't hold back the tears... we stand there silently crying, and I try to process everything that just happened. How can this be how things end. Why are we forced to choose. It's not fair on either of us...I can't live without her...she's my world,My everything. No, NO I will not let circumstance tear us apart. We have fought to hard and too long. We can do this. We will figure it out. I don't know how but I will not let the world rip her away from me. I lift my head, lightly grab her chin and tilt it up to me. I feel a pang in my heart as I see her tear soaked face. I can't bear to see her hurting.*

Grayson: whispers) no
Y/n: looking confused) wh..what do you mean?
Grayson: no this is not how things end. I'm not going to let them. I love you, and I WILL NOT lose you not like this, not now, not ever. We can do this y/n! I know we can. We have overcome so much, and this is just another bump in the road. So we are both going to go and chase our dreams, but we are not going to let each other go. It will be hard, heck it will be miserable at times, but if anyone can do it we can. We will work and see each other every chance we get. We will FaceTime every night and text and call as often as we can. We will work out time zones and if that means I have to stay up till 3am then I will stay up till 3am. You are worth it. This is not the end y/n, I believe in us with everything I have, but do you?
Y/n: yes...

The next day*
Y/n POV*
*we decided to help each other pack. We started with gray cause he would be back in a week. After we got his clothes and essentials, while he was double checking to make sure we got everything I snuck a box in his bag... he looked deep in thought. I wonder what he was thinking about, but before I could ask he decided we should move to my room. Mine would take more because I had to pack everything...a year...a year away from the place I love more than anything, a year away from the man I love more than anything...but I had to be strong like gray said, we can do this. I start to think back on all the memories I made here so far...*

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