Part 7

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*Y/n POV*
*I walked into my apartment, dropped my stuff and just crashed on the couch. I was exhausted. I had forgotten to grab dinner on the way home, so I decided to order a pizza. Just as I picked up the phone to call there was a knock on the door. I look at my watch, it was 8:00. Why would anyone be here this late? I get up to open the door, and I'm greeted by two mischievous, grinning faces.*

Y/n: Hey guys! What are y'all doing here?
Ethan: We brought pizza!
Grayson: It's pineapple!
Y/n: (laughing) what a coincidence I was just about to order some
Ethan: what can we say...we always know when pizza is needed

*I laugh and open the door so they can come in. I go to the kitchen and grab drinks and napkins. The boys also brought some movies and are putting one on.*

Y/n: so what are we watching?
Grayson: just a horror film
Y/n: y'all are evil! You know I hate those
Ethan: (laughs) never fear the twins are here!
*both me and Grayson crack up*
Grayson: dude that was awful!
Y/n: well now we know where all the jokes come from (looking at Grayson)
Ethan:(acting hurt) I am deeply offended y/n

*we all laugh and settle in to watch the movie. After we finished the pizza, I popped some popcorn. We were all under blankets and had a ton of pillows, and crashed on the floor. We were having an awesome time. It was dark and we all kept moving around, so when I jumped in fright, I wasn't exactly sure who's arms I ended up in...

*Ethan's POV
**My breath hitched as she landed in my arms. I knew she hated scary movies and I would be lying if I said I hadn't hope this would happen. She had her head buried in my shoulder and was gripping me tight. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. I wanted her to feel completely safe in my arms. Eventually she began to relax and then fell asleep in my arms. I looked down at her just in awe. She was perfect. That's all there is too it. I never thought you could fall for someone so fast, but I did. I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, and let my thumb trace her cheek. Gosh she was gorgeous. Suddenly I feel Grayson staring me down. I look over to see him glaring. It hurts a little. I am so incredibly, head over heels for this girl and the only thing holding me back is him...*

Grayson POV*
*i was so mad. It hurt to see y/n in my brothers arms. She looks so peaceful. She is so beautiful even when she sleeps. When we picked a scary movie I was hoping I would be able to have her in my arms. To be the one to protect her, to make her feel safe. Well that plan backfired. I would give anything for that to be me holding her. For her to be sleeping in my arms. I glare at Ethan as he runs his thumb gently down her cheek. That's when it truly hits me... Ethan doesn't just like y/n... he's in love with her! And so am I...

Y/n POV*
*I wake up and feel strong arms encasing me. I tilt my head to see who it is and realize it's Ethan. As I slowly wake up a little more, and I remember how I came to be there. That scary movie really wasn't as bad an idea as I thought( giggling to myself). Suddenly I hear moving. I tilt my head and see gray asleep not to far over. Oh crap, I think. I don't want to hurt either of them, and last night probably made gray mad. I decide I should get up and make them breakfast, but as I go to wiggle out of his grasp, E tightens his hold on me.*

Ethan: where do you think your going beautiful?
Y/n: (rolling your eyes)I was going to make you food
Ethan:(perks up) pancakes???
Y/n: mayyybeee....
Ethan: in that case, I reluctantly release you
*he let's go and you get to your feet, all while laughing at his cheesiness. You go to the kitchen and start to cook, when you hear movement.*

Grayson: (sleepily)hmmm something smells good
Ethan: y/n is making pancakes!
Grayson: Yum! My favorite!
Ethan: mine too!
Y/n: someone's excited
E&G- (smiling) of course!

*you laugh and put some pancakes on each of their plates, you hand them the syrup and they dig in*

Y/n: well what's the verdict?
Y/n: (smiling) Good cause there are plenty more!

*after the boys ate more pancakes than you could count, the had to leave to edit this weeks video. You exchanged goodbyes and closed the door behind them. You sat on the couch reading and drinking coffee for a few minutes, until you heard a knock on the door. Wonder who that is? You thought. Maybe the boys left something? You opened the door and what you saw made you drop your coffee mug to the floor, shattering into a million pieces...*

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