Chapter 1- Light

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"Always those Winchesters, everything i try... we've been at this for way to long Dean." Lucifer said slowly walking around the man who was pressing a little one year old girl firm to his chest. "Then you'll know this is gotta stop Luci, as much as i enjoy talking to you, which i don't, we're gonna lock ya up for good. And this time, there ain't no coming back."
"And how exactly are you planning on doing that? You know i've got Castiel. Sammy is busy finding him. Which believe gonna take a while. So we've got plenty of time for ourselfs and i can only imagine what would happen when i touch little Faye there." 
"Touch her, and i'll make sure you have a slow and painfull death." Dean said.
"We both know i have the upperhand here." Lucifer flicked his hand and Dean crumpled to the ground, he started coughing up blood but was still clutching Faye.
"Then i'll just have to take that abomination out of your dead lifeless arms." Lucifer sneered.
Cas i don't know where you are but things are not looking up here...if lucifer murders me please be fast and save our baby.
Lucifer again flicked his wrist and Dean coughed up more blood.
Chuck if  you're still out there... man i could really use some help.

There was a blinding light and Dean (still holding on to Faye) was saved.

Hope you liked the first chapter, i will try to write as much as possible.

Worth Fighting ForDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora