Chapter-8 Dean?

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This is the perspective of Future Sam
"Dean?" Sam yelled while walking down the stairs of the bunker.
Sam sighed. Of course Dean wouldn't react, he was probably sleeping out his drunkness.
His brother had been stress-drinking since Cas dissapeared, although Sam couldn't blame him. He himself was really worried about Cas too. So he felt pretty useless after another failed atempt to find the angel.
He walked into Dean's bedroom expecting him and Faye asleep on the bed.
He was wrong, the bed was empty without any signs of Dean having slept there.
"Dean?" Sam yelled again. He searched in other rooms, bathrooms, and even the dungeon.
No Dean, no faye.
"Shit." Sam sighed in frustration.
He had told Dean so many times that he couldn't go looking for Cas, and absolutely not with Faye.
It was bad enough Lucifer had Cas, but he couldn't ever get his hands on Faye and Cas at the same time. Sam didn't want another end of the world. Why had his brother have to be so damn stubborn?
He picked up his phone from the table he had left it on while he entered and tried calling Dean.
After ringing a few times it sprang over to voicemail.
"Dammit Dean."
Then Sam noticed somehing even worse.
The keys of the impala were still laying on the table.
He grabbed them and headed out of the bunker.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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