Chapter 3- oceanblue eyes

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When i talk about future Dean (or later on Sam and Cas) i will write it like (f)Dean, to not cause any confusion. Xxx
"Okay so...Lucifer came back?" Dean asked.
They were all sitting arround the map-table, after asking (f)Dean a lot of questions only Dean knows until Dean himself found it akward and annoying.
"Long story short, yes." (f)Dean said, leaning on the table with his elbows while his hands were crushing his hair. Faye was sitting on his knee, playing with his flannel.
"How?" Sam asked.
"He set up a trap for you, we both didn't notice but Cas said yes to him, he did it because he thought it would protect us. Lucifer was stronger then us all, and Cas was not in a good place back then. When we found out it was Lucifer we were too late."
"What do you mean he was not in a good place?" Dean asked.
"Since Metatron took his grace he's been feeling selfloathing, he was bringing himself down. Thought he was expandable."
" Lucifer is still possessing Cas?" Sam asked.
"No, Rowena wanted to get some leverage and get on Lucifer's good side. She gave him his old vessel back.'
"Where is she now? I mean in your time?" Sam asked.
"Dead, just as Crowley. Lucifer got bored."
Dean stood up. I'm gonna get some drinks from the kitchen, you guys want anything?
"A beer." Sam said. "Some milk? She's hungry. I don't need anything." (f)Dean said.
"Shit, i became a softie." Dean turned around and walked to the kitchen.
"So...can i ask...who's..." Sam began looking at Faye.
"I will tell you another time, not gonna spoil anything just yet."
"Right." Sam nodded.
The bunkerdoor opened and Cas began to walk down the stairs with some grocery bags, just at the same moment Dean came back with drinks.
"Heya Cas, this is me from..."
"2020, i see. How did you came here?" Cas said squinting his eyes and not sitting down.
"With a really fast train, i have no idea to be honest. I thought you might know."
"Well i don't..." Cas suddenly dropped his bags and his eyes began to widen.
"Cas? What's wrong?" Dean asked.
Cas turned his head around to look at Dean.
"That contains my grace."

"I KNEW IT!" Sam yelled standing up in a hurry and accidentally knocking over his chair. (f)Dean sighed and let his head fall on the table. Dean just looked between Cas the baby and (f)Dean.  " said it was yours?"  Dean asked looking at (f)Dean.
"It's from me and Castiel."
"But how...?" Dean asked still confused as hell.
"Angel's don't have genders. We don't have the same rules as humans do when it comes to mating. So it is possible that is our child Dean." Cas said.
Faye looked up from where she sat and tried to wiggle herself free to crawl to Castiel.
"Can...can i hold her?" Cas asked.
"Yeah whatever." (f)Dean said standing up to hand the baby over to Castiel.
Castiel took Faye in his arms and he saw how much she looked like Dean, the only thing that she didn't have from him where her eyes. They were oceanblue. And he could see his grace burning between them. "She is beautiful." Castiel said.
Dean came stand next to Cas and stroked a little hair out of her face, she smiled wildly at them but kept looking at Cas with wide blue eyes.
"She's an angel." Dean said.

I'm sick at home and bored so all i'm gonna do today is writing.

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