Chapter 2- No time for jokes

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Sam was sitting in the libary doing some research, they weren't exactly doing a case at the moment but he just liked to read in his spare time. It also helped that the man of letters had hundreds of books, even for him it was  impossible to read them all.
He was just opening a book about exorcism when he heard a loud bang. Sam got up and looked around. "Dean?" He yelled.
"Sam? Owh good god you're here. Please tell me you found Cas?"
"Cas is just doing some groceryshop... Woah, why are you all torn up and bloody? And is that a baby?"
"Haha... no times for jokes Sam, we need to find Lucifer."
"Dean what the hell is going on with you? Lucifer is gone,we locked him up in the cage."
"What? No! I just talked to him and he said he has Cas! We gotta find him!"
"Dean. I just told you, Cas is just doing grocery-shopping. Can you please explain why you're all torn up and holding a baby in your arms?"
"Dude what the...." Dean began but before he could finish he heard yelling behind Sam.
"Sam? What's going on?" Another Dean walked into the libary, when seeing future Dean he pulled out his gun and walked over to him slowly, pointing the gun at the instruder. Sam moved away from future Dean to stand behind Dean.
"Who or what the hell are you?" Dean yelled.
"For fuck sake, can you tell me which year it is?" Future Dean said, beginning to realise what may have happened.
Sam and Dean looked at each other with raised eyebrows before Dean sighed and Sam and him said at the same time:"2015"
"Son of a bitch. Not this shit again."

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