Chapter-6 why did you name her Faye?

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It was 3am. (f)Dean couldn't sleep and wasn't surprised when he heard Dean knock at the door. "Come in." He answered.
"Hey, i couldn't sleep...and i guess i have a few questions."
"It's fine." (f)Dean came up to a sitting position in the bed and his younger self sat down next to him.
"When did know... start dating Cas?" Dean asked. Of course he was very akward about this.
"Well...i guess around 2015, i remember having a little help." (f)Dean winked.
"Dean, my boy. Listen i know you see me now, with Faye and in a longlasting relationship with Cas...but you yourself should know the future isn't always certain. Especially in this line of work. Please don't hesitate any longer. We both know that from the moment you saw Cas you were hella gay for him, we were just stupid and scared and found it saver to go back to that  little closet. Sam knows it, every demon sees it and every angel feels it. Just fucking admit your feeling and kiss your angel."
Dean blushed and looked at his shoes "I know, i'll talk to him."
"You're welcome, hey do you have some leftovers? I could die for a burger right now."
"Think we have some pizza from yesterday in the fridge, C'mon it's not like we will be able to sleep anyways."

They sneaked into the kitchen. Dean was suprised to find Cas sleeping with Faye on his chest.
He remembered from past experience that Cas only slept when he was really drained.
He raised his eyebrows but (f)Dean waved to the kitchen and started to explain: "When Faye is tired she will boost out this peaceful energy which connects to Cas, it helps her sleep and to be honest i think it's good for him to sleep every now and then."
"Owh, okay." Dean nodded. He rembered how cute Cas looked with Faye just now. It was adorable and he wished he took a photo.
" you have any photo's of Cas and Faye?" Dean asked.
"Yes...i have this one i always carry around." (f)Dean blushed. "She was just born here." He took a photo out of his pocket and gave it to Dean.
Dean smiled. Cas looked so happy, he was smiling, Dean barely saw him smile anymore, it fits Cas. they both looked so happy. he also noticed something else. "Hey, why does Cas look so thin here? I know he always hides in his trenchcoat but he's way muscular than that."
"Dude, he's been carrying a nephilim for nine months. That shit is pretty rough."
"Wait,  he was really pregnant?"
"How the hell did you think Faye came to be? I know we had a lack of parents but you know how this shit works."
"Well, i thought...because he's an angel and a guy..."
"No, that's not how this works. This wasn't a normal pregnancy because Faye is a nephilim , just carrying the baby was twice as hard. If Cas was human he would've died giving birth."
"Woah. Then why did you..."
"Because we love each other, because Cas wanted it. Because i wanted it."
Dean nodded.
They ate cold pizza in silence for some time, until Dean broke it again by asking another question.
"Why did you name her Faye?"
"Cas came up with it, it means Loyalty and belief. Faye is his promise, and he always says he believes in her, not in heaven. At least not anymore...just us." Dean handed (f)Dean the picture back. "Lucifer thinks Faye is an abomination. Cas...his pregnancy was even harder because Lucifer was searching for him the entire time. Nephilims are very strong and Lucifer fears she and Cas together could kill him, the power of a heavenly father and daughter together is really fucking strong, so maybe in theory they could. That's why he took Cas...and i don't know what he's doing to him." (f)Dean stared at the picture. "Hell...i don't even know is he's still alive."
"Hey, no. Stop right there, Cas is strong and if Cas and Faye really are that powerful Lucifer won't kill him. We know how he rolls. He wants to use that power for himself. We will save Cas. I promise."
"How?" (f)Dean asked, still looking at the photo.
"We'll figure it out. We'll always do."

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