It's over.

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Perrie and Robin were curled up on Robin's sofa watching the Titanic, this is how they spend most of their nights, watching a film, curled up together being all lovey lovey. Tonight wasn't any different to the blonde haired, blued eyed beauty, but it was majorly different for the green eyed goddess. She was itching to tell Perrie what she had done, but knew how much her girlfriend hated cheats. She knew that as soon as the words left her mouth, Perrie will be up and out the door. However Robin hated keeping things secret between them so she decided to say something. "Baby, look at me." Were the first words that came out of Robin's mouth, as Perrie lifted her head from Robin's chest, Robin met their lips. This is probably the last kiss they are going to share, Robin wanted to cherish it, but Perrie wasn't in the mood for kissing, so she kissed back for a second then pushed her away. "Why did you push me away?"Robin asked confused. "I'm sorry, I'm tired and not in the mood right now." Perrie replied. "Oh okay, erm... I need to tell you something." Robin whispered and looked down at her hands. Here goes there 3 year relationship out the window. "You can tell me anything babe." Perrie said taking Robin's hand into her own. "Well, erm. IKindaMayOrMayNotHaveCheatedOnYouWithAngela." the words fell of Robin's tongue and hit Perrie in the face like a wave hitting the beach in a storm. "You what?" Perrie spat back, she ripped their hands apart and stood up. Her blood was boiling easily over 100 degrees, she was surprised it didn't evaporate. "I'm sorry, but it just happened." Robin said standing up to. Perrie was trying her best not to punch Robin square in the face right now, even though she did this, Perrie never hits her partners. "No, Robin. It doesn't just happen, what did you do?" Perrie screamed. Robin coiled and whispered "Sex." She hoped Perrie didn't hear, but oh boy, she did! "You had sex with her!" Hot tears were now streaming down Perrie's cadaverous cheeks. "Don't cry, please. It'll just make this ten times harder!" Robin begged reaching to wipe Perrie's tears, but she moved away and slid her shoes on. "Don't leave!" Robin begged again. "Why not, you cheated on me with Angela. We go to an all girls school for gods sake, you could have chosen anyone but no Angela! My arch enemy! You know how much I hate her." Perrie cried, "I know Pez, I'm sorry. I just... I just needed sex." Robin screamed in Perrie's face. "I told you when we got together Three years ago, that I don't do sex because of my past. You said that you can manage as long as you have me! What changed?! I thought you loved me more!" Perrie tried to brush back the memories from her past. but failed and fell to the floor in tears. "Baby, no. Don't think of it right now. Please!" Robin ran to her side, put Perrie got up, ripped off the necklace (Robin bought it her when they first got to together, she hasn't taken it off since) and walked out of the house shouting "It's over!"



The next day

Last night, I was a mess. I stayed with my sister instead of going home and she helped me with my heart break. I have to admit I really did not want to go to school today, but Sophie, my sister, was making me... her words were "You're not going to get any better if you don't face up to it." We were now sat in the car and I was tapping my leg to the beat of the music. Sophie was driving since she was 30 and I was only 17 and I don't have enough money to apply for driving lessons. Usually she teaches me a bit in the car or lets me control the gear stick, but she could see I wasn't in the mood today. "Pez babe?" She spoke, looking at me as she came to a halt at the red light. I hummed in response. "Try and keep calm today, I really don't want a phone call saying you punched someone." She said turning the radio off as the news came on. We hated the news, since our dad was usually the main story. "I'll try, only because it's you." I sighed out and rested my head on the cold window. I've always struggled with my anger issues, I usually punch or give people random shouts when they annoy me, but there always has to be something to provoke it. "Thank you, I know it's hard to believe, but it gets better." She said rubbing her hand on my knee but accelerating around the round about and up the hill to school. "Yeah, bye." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek and getting out the car. She watched me walk into the front doors and then drove off. I have to admit, my sister was the only good thing I had in my life. My dad is a criminal and is usually to busy with his 'clients' to bother with me. My mum, well, she was killed 5 years. years ago by one of dad's mates. Sophie disowned dad after that, she offered to take me under her care as well, but my dad wouldn't let her take me. Instead her used me as his toy! It stopped when he realized he can get money from doing it to random women in the street. He moved on from mum pretty quickly and now he is out playing with an other girl every night. I walked up to my form room and took out my phone. It was illuminated with messages from Robin.

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