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Sophie had just gotten back and she had bags of clothes, I wouldn't like to know how much she spent. She walked into the kitchen and started sorting things into piles. Some where for the twins, some for Charlie, some for Ava and most for Taylor. She even bought some for her soon to be son or daughter. "Wow Soph, how much did you spend?" I asked shocked. "That's for me to know and for you to never find out." She laughed nervously, just then Charlie came skipping into the kitchen with Taylor behind him. "Hey you two." Perrie said and ruffled Charlie's hair whilst he hugged her legs. "Are theses all for us?" Charlie asked peering over at the table. "Some are yeah, can you go and get the twins and Taylor can you go and get Ava?" I asked, they nodded and walked out, I must admit, Taylor looked adorable in pez's hoodie. They all came back in moments later, but Lyla was almost crying. "What's wrong button?" I asked her and picked her up. "I'm tired." She cried and hugged me. "Ahh baba, you can sleep later, but first you need to try some clothes on for me." I said and kissed her, she nodded and got down. "Sophie, go with the twins. Me with Charlie, and Pez go with Ava. Taylor can you dress and change yourself?" I said, Taylor nodded shyly. I handed her, her clothes and walked with Charlie upstairs. "You can change in the bathroom Taylor, we'll sort you out a bedroom tomorrow." I said, she nodded and walked into the bathroom. I went with Charlie to change him.

After lots of giggles with Charlie, we had tried on all his clothes and they all fit perfectly,  I hung them all up in his wardrobe. And he found it hilarious when they just fell straight back off the hangers. "It is not funny." I whined but he just laughed more. A four year olds belly laugh is the cutest thing in the world. "Okay Charlie, I'm going to check on your sister. Be a good boy." I said and tapped his back, he nodded and led on his bed.

I walked to the bathroom and knocked twice. "Can I come in Tay?" I asked. "Y-yeah." I heard a faint reply. I opened it and saw her sat on the toilet with tears streaming down her face but her clothes weren't touched. "Oh love, what's the matter." I asked and bent down in front of her. "I-I do-don't k-know how t-to..." she broke down in sobs. "It's okay, Taylor, tell me when you've calmed down." I said and rubbed her knee, she sat there crying. "Would you like a hug?" I asked her, she shook her head. "Are you sure babe, it will help calm you down." I asked, she peered threw her fingers. I opened my arms and she launched into them, I rocked her on my knee whilst she cried. "It's okay Taylor." I said. Once she had calmed down, she moved back onto the toilet lid and looked at her hands. "I don't know how to change myself. And, and when I lived with dad he would hit me if I asked for help." She wiped her tears. "Oh sweetheart. You don't need to be scared here. This home is a safe place, no one is ever going to hurt you we promise." I hugged her again. "Would you like me to help you get changed?" I asked her, she nodded and smiled.

We got through all of Taylor's clothes and she looked awesome in all of them, she was beaming when she had them on. "My dad never let us wear clothes." She whispered. "Well, you always wear clothes here." I said and tickled her gently, she laughed. "Now, what outfit do you want to wear now?" I asked her. "Can I wear Perrie's jumper again, it smelt nice and warm." She smiled nervously. "Of course you can, but she wouldn't know what it smells like." I smiled and helped her lift it over her head. "Why not?" She asked confused. "She doesn't have a sense of smell." I smiled. "Wow!" She gasped. I chuckled. "Anyway, come on." I took her hand and we walked down stairs.

3 days later
It's been three days since Taylor and Ava came, we sorted Taylor's bedroom out and honestly I love it.

It's quite sophisticated but she likes it so we're all good

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It's quite sophisticated but she likes it so we're all good. Taylor still hasn't spoken much to anyone, she also stays in her room a lot, she only comes down when we tell her she is allowed. I think it is something to do with their dad.

Jade was out with Charlie and the twins were upstairs sleeping so I decided to have some bonding time with Ava, I thought I might breastfeed her. I sat down with her in my arms, she was very hesitant around us, very cautious. She could crawl and when she did she wouldn't come near us, when she was on the ground she wouldn't let us pick her up, it would have to be Taylor or Charlie and they pass her to us. Anyway I sat down on the settee and pulled down my top, I didn't have a bra on, thankfully she instantly latched on.

After about 10 minutes, I was joined by Taylor, which was surprising. "Hey babe, you okay?" I asked as she sat next to me, she nodded and played with her pants, she was wearing 3/4 jeans, a vest top and a belly top over it. Typical 8 year old outfit. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Feeding Ava." I replied. "She is eating your boob, does it not hurt?" She asked curiously. I chuckled. "No Tay, she is sucking my boob, it has milk inside of it. And no it doesn't hurt, Ava is gentle." I said. "Oh, can I try?" She asked. I froze. Should I breast feed her, no she is too old. But it will help bond... no she is too old. "Sorry baby, but you're a bit too old." I said and stroked her hair. "But Ava can do it." She sulked. "Ava is 1, you're 8." I said. "And?" She asked. "And that means you're too old." I said. She just slumped down next to me and started sulking, after a minute I heard her sniff. "Tay, are you crying?" I asked her, she shook her head but wiped her tears. "That is well believable, what's up?" I wrapped my arms around her shoulder. "I just thought, because you do it with Ava and it helps bonding and stuff, it will help me. But it's all my fault I can't bond with anyone anyway. I'm just a selfish bitch." She cried. "Ahh baby, don't say that. It is not true whatsoever. I can bond with you in different ways, me and Jade just want to give you time to settle in." I said and hugged her, "I'm sorry." She cried, "Its oaky love, don't worry." I kissed her head. "Why don't I go and make you a bottle so you can snuggle up next to me and we can watch a film?" I asked, she nodded and smiled. I handed her Ava and I walked into the kitchen. When I came back with Taylor's bottle I handed it her and held Ava again, she thanked me quietly. She started drinking and led down, her head was resting on my knee. I ran my hands through her hair, it was so beautiful and soft.


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