Please stop

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After our walk on the beach, we were both hungry so we went to get some food. I had £10 so we went to McDonalds. "I don't want to go back to yours, there is a stalker." I whispered under my breath. I actually felt terrified at her house now, even though she was with me. "Baby, you'll be fine." She reached over the table and took my hand. "No Jade please, can we just spend another night at my dads. If we stay out of his way he won't bother us, I just don't trust your house." I pleaded. "Okay baby. I'll ring my mum." She sighed. She smiled at me and I nodded. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "Why baby?" She asked caressing my knuckles. "I'm making you do something you don't want to. I'll just go to my dads myself. I'll see you tomorrow Jade." I stood up to leave but she grabbed my wrist. "Don't be ridiculous. I don't care where we stay as long as I'm with you." She said and hugged me, I quickly felt myself crying! Why am I so emotional? She grabbed our stuff and walked into the bathroom. She sat me on the sinks but was careful I didn't get wet. "What's wrong baba?" She asked wiping my tears. I shrugged. "Are you sure?" I wrapped my legs around her waist, nodded and rested my head on her shoulder. "Okay, but I'm always here if you need to talk." She rubbed up and down my back. After a couple of minutes, we left and went to my dads. 

"Babe?" She asked as she sat on the bed. "Yeah?" I replied sitting on my floor with my back against the bed. "I'm just going to nip home get some clothes, I should be about an hour. Okay?" She kissed me. "Yeah that's fine." I shrugged hugged her and waved her off. I decided to get some homework done. I pulled out my laptop, but on some music and started writing my essay on Mozart's death. I need to make it my best since my usual grade in History is 5 I need to make it a 7 by the end of the year.

After 20 minutes of writing, there was a knock on my bedroom door, I stood up to answer it. I knew it wasn't Jade since she shouldn't be back yet. When I opened it, my dad and his friend came charging in. "Dad, get out!" I said rather harshly. "Come on baby girl, I told Mark your good at giving me pleasure, he wants it for himself." He smirked! I took a second to process the information. "What? Dad no!" I shouted and went to the door but he beat me and slammed it on my fingers! I screamed out in pain. He released the door slightly so I could move my hand! "You mother f**ker!" I shouted he slapped me! "Use that language and you'll be getting more, now undress!" He screamed in my face. I shook my head! "I said undress!" He screamed again and punched my nose! I had no choice but to comply. When I was in my underwear, his friend pushed me on the bed. "This is where it gets fun." He whispered in my ear and started feeling me, he rubbed his fingers against my clit which just made me want to throw up! "Please stop!" I whimpered. My dad was in the corner laughing. He came over to me and straddled me, he pinned my arms down. He leaned over me so his face was inches from mine. "Be a good little girl and work." He whispered seductively. "No!" I screamed back in his face! "You're ridiculous!" He screamed and began punching me multiple times. "Alex stop, you are making her squirm I want my fun!" His friend shouted. "Oh yeah sorry." My dad got off me but kept my arms down. Just then, my knickers were removed and he shoved himself inside of me. He was a lot bigger than my dad and it hurt, like really hurt. He moved himself against my hip attempting to make more friction. He quickly removed my bra and started kissing my tits. I felt so vulnerable and dirty! "Please." I cried. "Shut up!" My dad shouted and slapped me. I let him do his thing. Hot tears were streaming from my eyes, this is more than my dad has ever done usually he sticks to the bottom area. He started sucking my neck. But I moved my head so he couldn't get to it easily. "Move your f**king head." He screamed in my ear. I felt my head being whipped back and a big hand keeping a tight grip on it. Please just make it stop. Jade! I need Jade! Just then she came charging in and sirens started blaring.

I got out of the taxi and paid the driver, I was quicker than I thought I would be and I'm glad. I hated leaving Perrie alone in that house but it needed to be done since I knew she wouldn't come to my house. I'll get someone to check it out properly. When I walked in the house, I could hear screaming. No! I ran up the stairs quickly but quietly. I stopped at Perrie's door and heard two men laughing, are they both doing it? No! My baby!! I decided to ring the police before doing anything. I dialed 999. After a quick call, I waited for the sirens to start and ran in, they won't have enough time to run. 

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