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First of all.
I'm sorry if my last chapter was too descriptive but if you don't like that type of thing... don't read it!

It's been a couple of days since Perrie got raped again, and she is a mess. She hasn't gotten out of bed, she won't eat, she won't wash and it so upsetting. She won't stop crying. I woke up about an hour ago, Pez was sleeping next to me. What is also upsetting about this is that the twins are having nightmares, especially Luna. She spoke up screaming for Pez yesterday, I went to get her and her and Perrie had lots of snuggles.
"No!" I heard Perrie whisper, she started shaking and crying. I just moved her head onto my knee. She was crying and whispering "please." Over and over. It was heart-breaking. "Jadey." She started whispering and shaking. "I'm right here baby." I ran my hands through her hair, just then she squirmed and opened her eyes. She instantly started sobbing, I wrapped my arms around her properly and let her cry into me. "Jadey, I peed." She cried and let go of me slightly. "Ahh baby, it's okay. I'll clean you up in a minute." I replied. Bless. Well not really I want o kill the man that raped her, I want to kill everyone who hurt, she is so weak right now it's horrible. "I hate him." She cried and looked at me hopeful eyes, the type of eyes which are asking if I can make it better. "We all do sweetheart." I kissed her gently. I didn't want to be too harsh since it might hurt her emotionally.

After I cleaned Perrie up, she actually got dressed, and got up. She walked I tot he twins room and straight up to Luna. Even though she was still sleeping, she picked her up and cuddled her close to her chest. I instantly saw her crying. "Babe." I said and took Luna away, I then put her back down and let her cry onto my shoulder. She wrapped her arms loosely around my waist. "You're okay sweetheart." I said and rubbed her back. "I'm sorry." She cried. "What for baby, you haven't done anything?" I asked her. "I've been lazy the last 3 days." She cried.p but stood up and wiped her tears. "Babe, you are allowed to be lazy after what you have been through. It's just heart-breaking seeing you cry all the time." I whispered. She moved her hand and rested it on my chest. "I love you Jadey." She said. "I love you too Pezza." I hugged her and she giggled. The first laugh since it happened.

I was feeling a little better today, I think I just needed a lot of Jade cuddles. I was now sat on the sofa eating pizza. But my stomach just didn't feel right. I think I might be pregnant and I really need to talk to Jade about it.

Jade is just putting the twins to bed, I was led on the sofa trying to process how I'm going to tell Jade I'm pregnant with another rapists child. She came back down and sat next to me on the sofa. "What's on your mind baba?" She asked me and rubbed my hair. "Well... erm..." I sat up so I was facing her. "I think I might be pregnant." I whispered. I quickly wiped away the tears. "That's okay. We'll get through it." She said and hugged me. I could tel she wasn't that happy about it but I just need to be sure before we get to happy, angry or upset. "Pez, I've been thinking..." she whispered, I looked up and saw sadness in her eyes. "I think I'm going to leave uni." She said. "What no! Why?" I asked. "Babe, you're not okay. You need me a lot more after what happened the other day. You might be pregnant Pez and I hate seeing you struggle. I've already talked to the professors and they completely understand. I'm doing this for you baby." She replied and hugged me. "Jade no, you have to keep going to Uni, you love it you can't quit because I can't control my fucking emotions." I shouted, I don't why I was so angry. "Perrie, calm down. I want to do it. You're my girlfriend and I want to be there for you." She said and held my shoulder, I just sighed and went to bed.

Jade came up about an hour later, "I've booked you an appointment for tomorrow, Sophie said she'll look after the girls." She whispered and led down on my legs. "Okay thanks. And I'm sorry baba." I said ashamed. "It's okay Pez, I get it. I'm still leaving uni though." She whispered. "Okay, it's your choice." I sighed and led down. "Shall we watch a film?" She asked, I nodded and put moana in. I love this film so much!!

The next day
I woke from another nightmare this morning, it is horrifying. My mind just keeps playing it over and over, but every time it gets worse and my mind if imagines him killing Luna or killing me and it's horrible. I hate them so much. I got dressed though, after a nice refreshing shower. Sophie and Alex picked the girls up 10 minutes ago, and we were just about to leave since the appointment is in 20 minutes and it takes 15 to get there.

When we arrived at the doctors, is as fucking nervous! I was shaking my leg and Jade sensed my nerves so she rested her hand on it. "It will be okay baby." She whispered and kissed my cheek, even the slightest bit of her touch send me into a frenzy and somehow calms me. "Miss Perrie Edwards?" We heard the nurse say, we stood up and walked over. "Follow me." She smiled and walked down the hallway, we had been here for the twins so we knew where we were going.  Once we got to the doctors room, she opened it revealing Dr. Moors. "Girls, nice to see you again." He exclaimed and shook our hand. We shook his hand and sat down. "So Perrie, I hear you might be pregnant again." He said smiling, I just nodded sadly. "Ahh not so happy?" He asked sympathetically. "She was raped again, same as last time." Jade spoke up and wrapped her arm around my waist. "Oh Perrie I'm sorry love, let's just get on with it then shall we?" He said and rubbed my leg. I nodded and led on the bed, he pulled over the machine and raised my t-shirt. "It's cold." He warned just before he put the gel on. I winced. I'll never get used to it.

After a couple of minutes, of moving around, he stopped over a small greyish blob. "Now Miss Edwards, I don't know if you'll be happy about this. But you are pregnant." He said. I just looked at Jade, I didn't know how to process this. I do not want to pregnant again, this is horrible. "It will be okay baby." She rubbed my arm and I nodded and sighed out. "You know everything because of the twins but k you'll like to know that this pregnancy will be easier since there is only one." He added an cleaned my stomach. When I was clean, I sat up and started sobbing into Jades shoulder. I really don't want this child but no way am I killing it.

Ahh Pez. Hope you liked this. X

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