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Jades POV

It's been 2 weeks since I started at Autumn Lane, I have a couple people that hate me, Robin, Angela and Jesy but I have two best friends, Perrie and Cammie. Rose and Rosie are our friends as well but they are usually go off somewhere snogging. They are adorable together though! Perrie gets hurt somehow everyday, even though she doesn't show it, I can see it hurts her. She puts up a wall and doesn't let people in (apart from me). Every night, Sophie picks us up and depending on our schedules we go to Perrie's house and she ends up crying on my chest all night. I know it is breaking her down and I can't stand seeing her so upset. It's Friday morning and last night Perrie was wreck. I also find out two horrible things last night.


"Hey girls." Sophie greeted us as we got into her car. She didn't sound as enthusiastic as usual and Perrie noticed. "What's up?" She asked looking over the front seat. "Erm... dad's being released and I have to go to America for a week. You will have to stay with him." She sighed. I saw worry and fear was over Perrie's eyes. "Calm down baba." I said taking her in my arms. "can't I stay with Jade?" Perrie asked her sister with so much plead. "I'm sorry babe, but you know how dad is." Sophie replied looking scared herself. I wasn't so sure why they were so scared but I didn't want to make anything worse so I just kept quiet and looked after Perrie whilst Sophie drove us to hers.


"Perrie, what's taking so long, I need to piss." I heard Sophie shout from down stairs. "Pez, are you crying?" She asked a lot calmer, I decided to go and see what all the fuss was about. "What's going on?" I asked when I got to the bathroom door. "Perrie is in the bathroom crying and she won't let me in." Sophie sighed clearly stressed and worried. "Don't worry, I'll sort her out, you go back to bed." I said and rubbed her arm. "Thanks Jade, you're a life saver." she smiled and walked away. "Perrie, baby. Open up, it's just me now." I said softly through the door. "Don't be mad Jadey." I heard her say, well sob, back. "Open the door baby. I'm won't be mad. I get it." I said worried even though I know what shes done. I heard the door unlock and I stayed calm and opened it gently. She was on the floor with a blade next to her with blood on her arms. "oh babe." I cooed and sat down next to her. "It's okay, you're okay." I pulled her onto my knee and started cleaning her up. "How did you know?" She asked me sadly resting her head on my shoulder. "Because I knew someone before." I said back, "Who?" She questioned. "My best-friend. He cut to deep." I smiled sadly remembering him. He was the best, most sweetest, guy you would ever meet. "What was his name?" She asked me sweetly. "Sam, Sam Craske." I sighed out sand began bandages her cuts. "I'm sorry." she said and looked down. "For doing this or about Sam?" I asked laughing slightly. "Both." She raised an eyebrow quickly then wiped a tear. "It's okay but tell me how long?" I hugged her tightly. "2 months." she cried into my shoulder. "Aw baby, please don't do it again." I rubbed her back and kissed her head. "I won't... for you." She whispered , we got up and went to bed.

###end of Flashback###

"Okay Perrie, listen to me." Sophie began, Perrie turned around and hugged her sister. "I'm only a phone call away, if you need anything, even just to say hi... ring me. If he hurts you, please tell me. I have everything crossed you'll be okay this week. Please try and be nice to him no attitude, he should stay calm. Try and come to school and keep in contact with Jade and me. I love you lots and lots. Don't get into too much trouble." she continued and started kissing Perrie's face all over. It looked adorable. "I'll try my best. Have a save flight, I love you." Perrie waved her sister off and held my hand. As soon as Sophie was out of view, she looked at me and started crying. "You'll be fine babe, I know you will." I wiped her tears and we walked into school, people instantly started laughing at her sad state. I just pulled her closer to me. "OI EDWARDS!" We heard a shout from behind us, Perrie tensed up. Suddenly, she was yanked away from me and pinned against a wall. "Leave her alone for gods sake!" I screamed and attempted to push Jesy off her. "Get lost nerd!" Robin shouted at me and punched me. I mouthed a sorry at Perrie and just hung there. "I heard your dad got released." Jesy snarled. Perrie nodded. "And your sister is going to America." Perrie nodded again a tear falling from her ocean blue eyes. "I hope your dad repeats history." Jesy screamed and slammed her against the wall then ran off. I ran to Perrie and hugged her. She was hugging her knees crying. "I'm sorry baby. It's okay." I whispered in her ear trying to soothe her as much as possible. Cammie, Rose and Rosie then came up to us and shielded us from crowds. After about 10 minutes of crying, Perrie calmed down and we took her to the bathroom to clear her up. We sat her on the sink and washed her face. "I'm so sorry, I'm such a wimp." She cried. "No Perrie, don't be silly. You're fighting and that's what counts." Rose said hugging her quickly. "yeah, I suppose." she sighed out and looked at me, I gave her a sympathetic smile and the bell rang. We all groaned and walked to instrumental class.
"Girls why are you late?" Mr Maynard asked us. "We aren't the bell just went." Cammie replied.
"That was the second Bell, I'll see you all at lunch time." He said disappointed we all walked to our seats and got death glares from Robin and Jesy.
"Okay class, we are doing a duo, find a partner and make a song. You will need to book the studios after school to record it, the deadline is next week. You can start writing it now." The teacher continued. "Perrie, work with me?" Jesy turned around and asked. Perrie froze, unsure on what to do. "Sorry she's already taken by me. Go and work with Robin or something." I spoke up and wrapped my arm around Perrie's waist. "Ugh fine, but I reallly don't want to do this..." She began but got cut off by sir's words. "I'll know if any students haven't worked as a duo since I will not be able to hear your voice in the recording so no bunking off Miss Nelson." We heard Rose and Cammie laughing behind us, we turned and say Rosie bright red. "What happened?" I asked confused. "Rose just told me how Rosie has to play music and light candles to have a sh**." Cammie whispered since we get told off if we are caught swearing. "Girls... work! You already have a detention, I don't want to give you another one."  Mr Maynard complained as he walked to us. I turned back around and saw Perrie resting her head on her hand and had tears in her eyes. "What's up babe?" I asked rubbing her head. "I'm just worried about going to my dads." She shrugged and shook her head then wiped her tears. "I'm only a phone call away the whole time baba. Don't worry too much." I hugged her and she nodded. "Will you walk me there tonight so you know where it is in case of emergency?" she asked me with plead. "Of course I will now let's write this song." I said then began writing down random lyrics.

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