Not again...

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This alley is longer than I thought...

He is still following me...

Moving closer...

I can feel his breath on my neck...

Please not again...

Just then his hands came in contact with my things...

He began kissing my neck...

No! This is Jade's job...

I pushed against him to try and get him off me...

But he just turned me in his arms so I was facing him...

"Please..." I begged, tears now filling my eyes. He just shook his head and pushed me against a wall. "Please not in front of he girls." I sobbed. "They won't remember..." He snarled and rubbed his hands on the inside of my things. "No!" I cried. He slapped his hand over my mouth... 

"Speak and I will kill you." He said and raised his knife, my breath hitched. 

I shook my head over and over but didn't say a word.

He un-did the zipper on my jeans and pulled them down slowly. 

He began feeling my legs and he rubbed my vagina through my knickers...

"Please." I whispered, thankfully he didn't hear...

"You're beautiful." He snarled and began licking the inside of my thighs. everything was shaking...

Just then I heard Luna begin to cry hard. "Shhh Luna." I said. 

"Shut up!" He raised to my face and slapped me...

I nodded...

He bent back down and messed with the waist band of my underwear. 

"Mama!" I heard Lyla scream, my heart broke, my two beautiful girls are watching me get raped and I can't do anything. 

He removed my underwear and rubbed his hands all over my area...

He then removed his own pants and underpants...

He smirked and stood up straight.

"Ready?" He asked, I shook my head.

He shoved himself inside of me. 

"AHHHH!" I screamed

"Mama!" The girls screamed. 

"Shut the fuck up!" He screamed and punched my stomach. 

He carried on thrusting himself against me.



Please stop.

"You're such a good girl." He snarled, he began raising my arms, he then lifted my top above my head. I was now only here in my bra. 

"Arch for me baby girl." He whispered, but i shook my head and kept my back firmly on the ground. 

Th girls were screaming and crying, I tried to keep eye contact with them to assure them I was okay. 

"Arch Bitch!" He screamed and slapped me. 

I arched and he unclipped my bra he then removed it from my chest, I was fully naked on the floor of an alley, being raped with my one year old daughters watching. 

he began rubbing my nipples and hen lent down to suck them.

I felt physically sick. 

He began laughing. 

"Mama!!" I heard Luna shout, just then I saw her legs walking towards me. 

How the hell did she get out?

"Luna, go back. Please." I cried. She shook her head and sat down next to me. 

"It's okay Mama." She rubbed my head. 

"Luna toons, go and sit back in the pram please." I cried. 

"No mama." She cried and hugged me but the man ripped her off me. 

"Mama!!" I heard her cry, she was led on the floor crying. 

"You asshole!" I screamed and slapped him across the face.

"I'll fucking kill you, now lie back down." he screamed in my face, but took the knife out of his shoe again.

I had no choice but to lie down. 

Just then...

Sirens started blaring and the alley filled with police.

He was ripped away from me, I was crying heavily.

I was instantly wrapped in someones jacket and rocked back and forth.

"Shh Pez." I heard Sophie whisper. 

I opened my eyes and looked up at her. She has tears streaming down her face. 

"h-How d-did you know?! I chocked out between sobs. 

"you have a very clever daughter, Luna got out of the pram and went to get your phone, I was face timing you and she answered and turned it to you. Me and Alex came as soon as possible." She said and carried on rocking me. 

"Luna!" I remembered and shot up, I looked around and couldn't see them. 

"Where are they?" I screamed and stood up, forgetting I was naked.

"Babe, Alex took them to the car, sit down please." Sophie said and stood in front of me. 

I collapsed in her arms. 

"Jade..." I whispered over and over. 

"Perrie, baby!" I heard her shout from the top of the alley.

I lifted my head and saw her running towards me, I tried to run to her, but I was weak so I just tripped and fell to the floor. 

"Baby girl," She cried and picked me up.

"Sophie get her clothes." She said to Sophie, I then felt a blanket being wrapped around me

"Jade..." I cried into her chest. 

"Shhh baby, it's me. He's gone." She whispered in my ear and rocked me in her arms.

"You're okay." She assured me. 

"Are you Miss Edwards' girlfriend?" I heard an unfamiliar voice say.

"I am." Jade replied. 

"Take her home, let her est, take he o the hospital in a couple of days to check up on her." The officer said. 

"Okay thank you officer." Jade said and stood up with me. 

"Let's go home sweetheart." She whispered and ran her hands through my hair.


I'm sorry I did this, but it leads onto other things. 

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