Chapter 2- Intentions

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Finally I get up at 7pm and have some light snacks and start dressing up. The guests must probably be arriving by now.
My old friends will be around which helps to cheer me up.
I was hoping not to see a certain someone but I was probably out of luck. Ofcourse he would come but he might be busy though I think.
I finish dressing and head out to the gardens,the place looks magnificent ,all the little details and and a decor is amazing. Stephanie out did herself.
When she spots me coming down,she hurries towards me nervously,
"Mika ,do you like your party ?" She asks
"You means your party,right Stephanie?"I ask
"Mika! For today am asking you to be friendly and enjoy the party,please !! She says
"Fine! But after we will bicker again" I say
"Deal" she says smiling and continues
"Now go mingle around with the guests "
I boredly go and mingle with the guests till I spot my friends and head over,
"Hey guys" I say
"Mika !!" Lisette says
"Missed you bro" Harry says
I hug them and we chat about our school days,they ask me about London and I describe my life to them. Food and drinks are being served and music is playing softly in the background. Am actually enjoying myself and the guests can't stop complimenting Stephanie on the party.
Speaking of Stephanie,where is she?I turn around to look for her and I freeze in my tracks, its him!
I thought I was over my crush on Amret for crying out loud! But seeing him striding towards us with Stephanie tucked into his arm and a gorgeous blonde guy obviously his date makes me start feeling funny. My stomach clenches and my face flushes. My friends give me a knowing look and smirk at me. They have been teasing me since they knew about my crush on Amret.
"Great party"  Amret says
"I guess" I reply dumbly... He is so gorgeous in that tailored Armani suit and his striking gold flecked green eyes. You can cleary see the muscled body under the suit.
He holds out his hand and gives me an envelope. I quickly tear it open and find VIP tickets to a sold out movie premier for Black panther and tickets to a VIP party celebrities will be attending.
"Thank you,how did you know I wanted to attend ?" I ask excitedly
"I saw you posting the trailer on your Instagram page and tagging it,#dying4this" he replies smugly
I frown and reply," I thought you are too serious and busy"
"Not for you" he says and I wonder what he is up to.
"Oh! This is my date Finn, Finn meet Mika aka Mikael" Amret says
I grudgingly stick out my hand and stiffly shake his hand.
I head back towards my friends feeling strangely deflated. Am I jealous ? My friends notice and try to cheer me up.
After an hour,I tell them am heading back inside. As I get up to leave,I feel someone's presence at my back. I turn straight into Amret's arms.
"Dance with me" he whispers.
"What about your date?" I ask
"He won't mind,or are you scared ?"
I laugh unconvincly,"Of course not" I say and go into his arms
He leads me to the dance floor and holds my waist. I put my hands on his shoulders and dance to the slow music.
He puts my head on his chest and says,
"How was London ?" He asks
"Like you care!" I say back
"Ofcourse I was interested in your studies,I kept up" he replies
"Yeah,ofcourse, your future business partner has to be woke!" I reply sarcastically
"Is this about the little accident you suffered at a ski trip ? He asks
During a ski trip,I had fallen and broken my wrist ,all I received were flowers and get well cards!
"little accident? I almost died "I reply getting out of his arms
"Mika,stop being dramatic ,it wasn't life threatening, I would have come but something important came up,Stephanie was too far away in Dominican republic  Amret says
"Whatever !" I retort turning to go indoors, but Amret pulls me back and says
"But I sent you flowers " he replies slowly
"Woohu! Big deal" I say back
"Am sorry ". Amret says
"What are you up to Amret ?" I ask
Since when does he apologize !
"Nothing !" He replies shrugging
"Am going to bed" I tell him
"We have a meeting on Monday at 11pm,be there ,Stephanie will be attending too" he says
"Okay" I say and head to bed.
The party ended late and I spent my weekend touring and visiting the new places in the city.

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