Chapter 10.. Get away 2

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Now I truly know why Amret was complaining.....
Stephanie was something else. The wedding  planning wasn't as fun as it seemed last week. The little details were the most annoying! Sample this,sample that! Smell this !!??

Since Amret was not around, I had to take the final decisions and Steph wanted my opinion on everything ! She said something about it being our big day and how she didn't want to leave us out of it.

Couldn't she tell that we weren't girls who really cared. I wanted to enjoy my free time before getting married and taking over the business.

Later in the evening, Stephanie is showing me some colors or something and am just nodding to whatever she says.

My phone rings and am so glad about the distraction I jump and ran to the office. I look at the caller ID and smile,its Amret.

"Hey Mika,how is everything ?" He asks

" Where do I start ? I might be dead in the next 24hrs! Stephanie is killing me" I mourn.

He laughs and asks, " That bad huh?"

" Yeah,I can't take it anymore,I feel like running away " I reply

" Then run away from it all! Come join me in Corfu for the weekend,you can come back on Monday " Amret says

" That's actually a good idea! I just have to sneak away from home and get past Stephanie " I say

" Deal..I'll tell the pilot to get the jet ready,sneak out,head to the airport and you can board from their." He outlines the plan.

"Alright " I reply

I immediately go to my room and pack a few things. As Stephanie is busy making tea in the kitchen,I grab my bag and sneak out to my car, looking around, and then  get in and quickly drive away. I send the pilot a message as I arrive at the airport.

Within minutes ,the jet is ready to go. Since its late,I just cuddle up and fall asleep. Am woken up hours later when we land in Corfu and I find a car ready for me.

I just get and we drive to a beautiful private hotel on the coast,my bag is sent up and I head to Amret's suite.

I didn't realise how excited I was to see him.
I look around but I see no sign of him.
I check the rooms and I spot him sleeping. I quietly get into bed beside him and look at him sleeping for a while.
I guess I eventually fell asleep.

I wake up and feel arms around me holding me tightly, I try to get up but he tightens his arms around me. I just flop back on the bed and put my arms around him.

" I didn't know you were such a cuddly octopus " I chuckle

" That's cause you never want to sleep in my bed" he mumbles back.

I just hold him tighter to me and find myself drifting off to bed lulled by his heartbeat.

I wake up again and Amret is out of bed. I go to find him and our breakfast has just been delivered.

" Come eat,you must be starving" he says

" Alot actually " I say and sit down and start pouring coffee.

"Am sorry we can't hang out during day,I have a big meeting today" Amret says

I look closely at him and he seems to be abit on edge

"Why don't I come with you ?" I ask

"Are you up for it?" He asks

" Yeah,give me a rundown of the proposition" I say

" We are trying to buy into a big new Japanese Electrical firm. Their technology is next future,their products have a huge market already in Asia,Europe,Africa....they are the new big thing and we want in" he explains

"Woow its a high powered deal, warns
be glad to accompany you" I reply

"Negotiations might take long though" he warns
"I will manage" I smile back

" We are leaving at 3pm,do you have a suit?"

" I packed for a weekend get away" I reply

"No worries,I'll have one delivered" Amret says

We spend the rest of the time before the meeting reading up on vitals for the meeting and then relaxing by the pool.

At 2:30pm,I walked out of the bedroom and so did Amret,he looked amazing. He saw me staring and he came and gave me a quick kiss.

Then we left for the meeting to be held in one of the hotel's conference rooms.
We go in and get seated and wait for our meeting.

Amret is looking like the boss,you can feel his prescence,he looks at me and smiles.

At exactly 2pm,the Japanese show up! Impeccable time keeping.
We get straight to business. Our team made of me,Amret,his secretary and lawyer.

The negotiations were tough,everyone was trying to push for a win-lose yet none wanted to lose or give in.
We took a ten minute break and Amret was considerably not looking pleased ,I just rubbed his back as encouragement and we went in for the second round of negotiations. It wasn't looking too good. The Japanese were relentless !

After mounting tensions and I failure to agree on anything, we took another break and things weren't looking good.

At the third round,I spoke up,I couldn't just watch this endless circle,

" Why don't we execute a strategic Alliance,your looking to expand into our market, we are looking to buy into your company. Why don't you give us enough shares to buy in your company thereby an investment providing you with more cash and we can offer you our expertise on marketing your product this side? Khan brand advertising is ranked among the best marketing firms in the world ,we can help you get into our market" I finish off

I look around at everyone staring at me wide eyed and think" oh boy I have messed up "

Then suddenly ,they all burst into applause and they love my idea.
Amret just comes to my side and gives me a big hug.
We conclude the meeting and our new associates ask about me and Amret tells them,

"This genius negotiator is CEO of Storm Companies and my fiance."

We are meeting later on to celebrate closing the deal at a party hosted by the Sheikh of Emirates with our new business associates.

Amret can't stop praising me enough
" you literally saved the deal,you're an expert negotiator ,am bringing you from now onwards " he says and pulls me to his chest to kiss me.
I just smile and say,

"I'll be busy running Storm ,remember ?" I say
"Am marrying a business savvy husband" he says and smirks.

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