Chapter 19- Concession

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So after all the drama of hiding indoors, i know i have to face the world, i had a business to run and a life to live.

Amret has been calling me every single day, at first i was too angry to answer but eventually i would pick and just listen and not say anything.

So today i decided to meet him today and talk. Stephanie offered to come but i told her I needed to do this alone. She was very angry at Amret for lying to me like that, apparently she always knew that i had a crush on Amret from way back. She was very disappointed in him and she let him have it!
Imagine Stephanie who was always calm taking on the big Amret.
The other thing was his family in Amanat, they heard about the story that we were living separately but we told them it was all a rumour, and they were wondering why we hadn't visited in a while.

I shot down his suggestion of meeting at our home! How could i even go there to talk about our situation! A restaurant wasn't private, what if we had another screaming match?

The office was the better option. I left to go and drive and absent mindlessly entered the car he bought me, when I realised, I got out and entered my other car.
I drove to his workplace and got in the elevator to his office. The staff hasn't seen me for a while and were very surprised. I waved to the secretary and entered his office.

I found him seated behind his desk. When I entered, he immediately stood up and came towards me. It was the first time i was seeing him since that day. He looked immaculate in a well tailored suit and a bit leaner? He kind of looked exhausted as well. I didn't know whether to hug him or fulfill the urge i had to kiss him. It was all very awkward. I just stuck out my hand and shook his then let go.

After I grabbed my seat, he sat back down and asked,

"How have you been, its been a while" he says

"Good i guess " I reply

"Thank you for meeting me, I really hope we can get past this " he says

"Believe me I had to think a thousand ways to be here, if it were up to me, I would just let it all go, what could go right at this point?" I say back

"I understand your sentiments but from now on, its one hundred percent honesty from me starting now, you look handsome though you have lost a little weight" he says

I feel a tiny fluttering in my chest though i squash it back down and say nonchalantly,

"Whatever !"

"So in all honesty, there were three DVD's, the first one you saw, the second one about the clause of marriage not being compulsory and the third one I think you should watch " he says

There were more? How much did he lie to me about?

" You're unbelievable ! You're the worst person i know right now! How do you even sleep at night? You slept beside me at night everyday knowing you took away my freedom of choice!" I lash out

"Believe Mika, it killed me every single day not telling you " he replies looking at me earnestly

"Let's just watch, shall we? " I say

I put in the second DVD and play it. My dad says everything in the documents I read. Even if I didn't marry, the companies would still be mine.

I roll my eyes and switch the second one for the third one. As i set it up, Amret gets up and goes to the window, his back to me. He leans against the window.
'What is his problem now?' I think and then i press play.

My father shows up on the screen again.

Mika, I know telling you to marry Amret or nothing is a selfish move on my behalf. Stephanie was so against the idea, I know you two don't get along but she only has your best interests at heart. She would never wish you anything but the best.
I noticed that you like Amret Mika, since you were thirteen, you hero worshipped him.
What you don't know is that Amret has always been inlove with you and always loved you. I noticed and asked him to be patient and wait for you to grow and see the world for yourself. I asked him to stay away and not show you how much he cared for you till you were older.
I wanted you to choose for yourself but I also know how stubborn and hard headed you can be!
You had started resenting Amret by the time you were sixteen, so all those stipulations were just a precaution incase you refused to give him a chance, but I knew it was your life and if it didn't work out and you weren't happy, the divorce papers are there. Am sorry Son.

I just didn't know how to react at this point! Amret has always loved me? My father knew? Why didn't they just let things flow naturally ?

"Am sorry Mika, I probably shouldn't have gone along with your father and just asked you out. I was so convinced you hated me Mika because i was your guardian.
I didn't know how to get through to you. I have loved you always, when you went away to London, I was really devastated but  I couldn't let you know, you were young and needed to live but everyday i lived with the fear of you falling in love with someone else and me loosing you forever" Amret says from his position at the window.

His voice sounds gruff and i don't know whether to go to him or stay back. He was standing straight, hands in his pocket and he looked tensed.

I loved him, I really did but he needed to earn back my trust he lost by keeping things and lying to me.

"Let's go home" I say

He turns around so fast am sure he got whiplash. He comes  towards me cautiously and unbelieving.

"What ?....What are you saying Mika" he asks

"Am saying that i want to come back to home" I reply

"That would make me really happy even though you don't forgive me yet, that place is nothing without you, you are the life of of house" he replies

"There are conditions" I say looking him straight in the eye

He nods and says,
"I'll do anything for you Mika, to have you back at home"

"You have to do things right, properly ask me out and date me like a normal person, no more hush hush conditions " I say

"But we're married already" he says suprised

"So what? We are doing things backward, better make it nice, I like being spoiled, so move out of our bedroom, you will be like my neighbor next door " I say

"Is that really necessary ?He asks

"Absolutely " I reply

"So basically, I have no rights as a husband, not even you know what" he whispers

"Especially that ..." I whisper back

He laughs as we leave the office hand in hand to go home.

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