One Fine Piece of Chocolate

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After a weekend strategizing together with Valerie and Emma to lure people to the shop Rachel actually felt excited to start her first day. That Monday she arrived early and started baking blueberry muffins. Emma was cleaning up the front of the shop, making it look homely by adding flowers on tables. Valerie mentioned having a surprise in store, Rachel had no idea what that entailed but she knew her sister wouldn't disappoint. Valerie always delivered no matter the circumstances.
When lunchtime arrived the shop actually got crowded which was a first to Emma. She was a new shop and still needed to build her reputation. Rachel helped Emma behind the counter, serving up coffee and sweets like a well-oiled machine. Smiles were spread across their faces while they politely yet cheerfully served their customers. Rachel noticed how suddenly it seemed like everyone in the shop fell silent. When she glanced around she noticed most of the women were staring at the door so Rachel followed their gazes only to see Valerie walking in accompanied by a good-looking man. Women around her would scold her when they heard her referring to the man as good-looking. It seemed her fellow sisters were drawn in by that man. Just good-looking was probably not the way they would describe him. She forced herself to focus on Valerie instead and greeted her sister with a bright smile.

"This is a pleasant surprise, Valerie."

Her sister smiled back at her, "You know I like to deliver." Valerie gestured to the man beside her, "This is Ryan Parker. You've met before, but I'm sure things were too hectic at the time for you to actually remember. So let me introduce you once more-" Valerie gestured between them, "Rachel, this is Ryan Parker a close friend of Gabriel. Ryan, this is my sister Valerie."

Rachel shifted her attention to Ryan since her sister more or less forced her to, "That name does ring a bell, but I can't quite place you." She flashed him an apologizing smile, "I'm sorry."

"Doesn't matter, it's nice to meet you again," Ryan told her, holding out his hand to shake hers.

Pleased with his polite manners, Rachel shook hands with him and then went back into business mode.

"So what will it be? I could give you a slice of everything since we're sisters and all."

Valerie laughed, "Thank you, that would be great." She then shared a look with Ryan, "Also, one coffee and one tea please."

"Rose tea? It has a more subtle taste which will go well with the sweets."


Ryan glanced around, "We'll be right over there." He told her.

"Okay, I'll be right there," Rachel told them.

Valerie and Ryan were grabbing their seats while Rachel prepared their order. She filled up a plate with two pieces of everything. Pouring a cup of coffee and rose tea she placed it all on a tray and skillfully made it to her sister's table serving them their drinks and sweets. She placed a little pitcher with milk in front of Ryan along with a few packs of brown sugar, not knowing how he liked his coffee. She had no idea what Valerie was plotting, but by the looks of it everyone was glancing at Ryan to keep track of him. She had no idea who he was other than a friend of Gabriel's. It seemed like he was a celebrity, but she was afraid to ask so she gave Valerie and Ryan their privacy instead. When standing behind the counter again Emma gave her a little hip bump.

"That is one beautiful man," Emma whispered to her.

Valerie couldn't contain her little giggle, "He is handsome." She agreed, "I'm more interested in who'll make the first move though." She told Emma mischievously, "Surely most women are wondering who that girl is." She flickered her eyes to Valerie who was happily chatting away with Ryan, "Is she his girlfriend, fiancée, wife?" Her voice got more high pitched as she pretended to be the general woman eye fucking Ryan.

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