Book 2: chapter 25

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I was quick to fall asleep that night, feeling very tired, dazed and unable to wipe the foolish smile of my face. I hardly remember a blanket being wrapped tightly around me and long fingers running through my hair before the door of my room closed softly.

It came to me as a shock when something managed to wake me from my deep sleep not to long after. Something feels off, like danger is near. I can feel a chill running down my spine and I sit up like a lightning bolt, whipping my head around in search for it.

A whisper of Dark speech from the room besides mine makes me jolt out of bed, quickly untangling myself from the sheets and spurting out the door. Heart racing, I barge through the next door and my eyes widen in horror at what I see.

Pippin is writhing around in agony as he hold in his hands the Palantir. His grip is tightened around it involuntarily as he looks into it, unable to turn his eyes elsewhere.

"Help! Therith! Gandalf!" Merry calls, shocking the wizard awake.

I leap toward Pippin, and take hold of his hands, and try to pry them loose without touching the orb. Just a second later, Aragorn appears beside us, ripping the Palantir from Pippin's hands, only to stiffen and fall over from the rush of pain it causes.

Luckily he drops it, letting it roll on the floor before Gandalf dives after it, quickly covering it up. He then rounds on us. "Fool of a Took!" he curses the hobbit, only to fall silent at the state of him.

I had quickly gathered the stiffened hobbit in my arms, tapping at his cheek while Legolas concerns himself over Aragorn who seems less effected. "Pippin? Speak to me!" I urge, feeling a rise of panic when there is no reaction.

Gandalf rushes towards us, shoving Merry aside none to gently before crouching before us. "Gandalf? What is wrong with him?" I ask, my bottom lip quivering in worry.

He says nothing as he worriedly takes Pippins hand before laying the other hand on his head, chanting quietly. I am startled when a moment later Pippin shudders audibly before opening his eyes in fright.

"Look at me." Gandalf says, his voice calm for Pippin's sake.

He finally seems to realize what happened and is aware of his surrounding as he looks up at Gandalf. "Gandalf, forgive me." he breathes out between pants.

"Look at me." Gandalf repeats as the hobbit looks away shamefully. "What did you see?" he questions.

"A tree." Pippin starts reluctantly. "There was a white tree and a courtyard of stone. It was dead." he says, grimacing. Gandalf gains a look of recognition in his eyes. "The city was burning." Pippin adds.

"Minas Tirith? Is that what you saw?" Gandalf questions. He receives no answer, as Pippin seems to remember something else.

"I saw...I saw him...I could hear his voice in my head." he confesses painfully, shocking us.

"And what did you tell him? Speak!" Gandalf urges.

"He asked me my name, I didn't answer... he hurt me..." Pippin replies, a far away look in his eyes.

"What did you tell him about Frodo and the ring?" Gandalf next asks.

"Nothing of Frodo." he answers. "Nor the ring."

Gandalf sighs in relief, sitting down on his heels. After a moment of silence, he looks around, gazing at our faces as we look at him, wondering what to do. "We will speak tomorrow of what happened and decide what to do." he finally says before glancing down at Pippin. "Sleep for now. You will need your rest." he says, returning to his cot. I can tell he won't sleep another wink tonight though. He is already busy with wondering and planning.

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