Book 2: chapter 26

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For the next few days, I kept Merry busy with sword fighting lessons to keep his mind from wandering. It was not long until Éowyn caught us and was eager to join in, or actually, as soon as I caught sight of her during practice I nearly ordered her to change into something suitable and fetch a sword. Instead of being offended, she smiled brightly before hurrying off to do just that.

At more than one occasion I caught Théoden casting me disapproving looks, but seeing his niece so happy, I suppose he didn't have the heart to speak up. Not that I would have taken any heed if he did.

During supper, I would find myself under the scrutiny of Aragorn and Gimli as they looked back and forth suspiciously between Legolas and I.

He dared to look at me teasingly or make flattering remarks that left me red in the face each time. He seems to take pride in his ability to leave me blushing. Of course Gimli and Aragorn took notice and shared a knowing glance, both their eyes twinkling in amusement and approval.

Merry soon caught on as well, and putting his face in an 'I know all' look, he took the liberty of throwing it out there. "Ah..." I remember him sighing. "Young love." The comment left me sputtering, much to everyone's amusement. I'm glad the matter wasn't brought up again after that, as I still feel rather awkward at times.

One morning, the sun was kissing the mountainsides in the beautiful colors of the morning when something unexpected occurred. I gave out a shriek of surprise when Aragorn just about barreled over me on his way to the hall. Alerted, I quickly follow after the man and was just able to catch his words, before he halted in his tracks, out of breath.

"The beacons of Minas Thirith...the beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!!" His words surprise everyone present, including myself.

I watch Aragorn look to the King expectantly, asking him to make a decision. After a moment of thought, he gets his answer: "And Rohan will answer. Muster the Rohirrim!" his steady voice rings trough the hall.

'Finally.' I think in relief, glad not to have to stay here any longer, waiting.

Immediately, everything is set in motion. The King sends out his men to gather every soldier available, telling them to gather at Dunharrow.

I run into Merry, carrying a sword and looking quite nervous as he eyes the King. "Why Merry, why such a fearful look on your face?" I address him.

He licks his lips nervously before taking a deep breath. "I want to offer the King my services." he reveals in a determined voice, making me smile. "What do you think he'll say?" he asks then, his voice lowering to show why he is nervous.

I glance at Théoden, coming up short with a proper answer. "I suppose there is only one way to find out my friend."

He looks back at the man thoughtfully, before nodding in a resolute way. "Alright. I'm going for it." he states, before walking up to Théoden with large strides, for a hobbit that is.

"Good luck!" I call after him, watching and focusing my hearing so I can find out for myself. Merry is very brave indeed. I believe he deserves to come.

"Excuse me!" Merry calls over the noise of metal rubbing against metal and loud voices calling orders. Théoden looks down at him questioningly and slightly annoyed. "I have a sword, please accept it." Merry pleads, his voice showing his eagerness. He even gets to his knee to further show his intentions. "I offer you my service, Théoden King."

Touched, the man takes Merry's hand, pulling him back on his feet. A smile plays on his lips. "And gladly, I accept it." he says, making a smile break out on the hobbit's face. "You shall be, Meriadoc, Esquire of Rohan!" he declares, making Merry nod eagerly before dashing off in my direction.

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