Chapter 2

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Ayame walked outside, looking around for her father. Her gaze stopped on a boy who sported stubby hair and orange tinted goggles over his eyes. He smiled nervously at her gaze, waving to Ayame.

She approached him warily, narrowing her eyes.

"I'm Obito." He introduced with a smile of greeting.

"Ayame." She replied nervously. "I know who you are. Why are You're a genin, are you not? Minato's team?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "Uh, I came to...walk you home. Manzo was talking with my parents and he said he wasn't going to be able to pick you up so I offered."

"Thank you." She gave a half-smile, dipping her head. Obito extended his hand for Ayame to take before leading her away from the academy.

"So how was it?" He smiled, glancing over at Ayame who was watching villagers work.

"Good. The first days are always the best days. Then everything goes downhill from there."

Obito slowed and turned to face her.

"Uh, how many times have you been in the academy?"

She placed up three fingers, Obito swallowing.

"It's whatever." She shrugged, leading him on. "It doesn't matter to me. It isn't the jutsus that are hard to me, I've never been the most strategic person. It's hard for me to think in battle. I can't do a jutsu perfectly either, I always have to perform it multiple times for it to actually work.

"I understand." Obito nodded. They had reached the end of the village when she felt a gaze burning into her back. She turned, spotting Itachi walking beside the familiar Izumi. His gaze quickly averted away from her's as she turned, Ayame slowing momentarily.

"Is something wrong?" Obito asked. She slowly shook her head, following after Obito. They walked through the Uchiha territory, eventually stopping infront of her house. Her mom was waiting outside expectantly, smiling at the sight of the pair.

"Thank you." Ayame bowed respectfully. Obito rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"No problem." he promised. "Have a good evening."

"You too, Obito!" Her mother called, looking down at Ayame.

"How was it?" She smiled excitedly as Ayame brushed past her.

"Same as the other times." Ayame sighed, her mother taken aback by the sudden mood change.

"Don't stress about it, Ayame." She rubbed her back as she set down her stuff and took down her two buns. She placed her hair up in a ponytail and sat down at the table.

"Sushi?" Her father asked, obviously excited.

"Minato-I mean Lord Hokage had sent for a group to retrive fish for his pregnant wife and had some extra." She smiled. Ayame and Sayakah waited for her father to take his share before they eagerly dug in.

"Hey!" Ayame huffed, moving Sayakah's arm as she attempted to retrieve more rolls. "You've got enough."

"No!" She protested. "I want more!"

"You can't have more-you have to share!" Ayame snapped. Sayakah whined and reached for the sushi with her hands, attempting to place it on her plate. Ayame tore it from her hand, Sayakah squealing and pummeling her in hits to get her sushi back. Ayame moved her hand back and unintentionally pushed her from the chair.

Sayakah plopped on the ground, Ayame's eyes widening as she tilted her head back and gave a sickening wail.


"Go to your room!" Her father thundered, interrupting her mother. "You know better, Ayame." He shook his head and walked over to tend to Sayakah. Ayame stood up, shoving her chair in before marching upstairs. She walked into her room, balling her fist.

She tore off her clothes and stepped into sweatpants and a loose shirt. She sat down on her bed and yanked out her large jutsu book. It was sacred, containing jutsus forgotted by newer jutsus. As she practiced the hand signs and recited them aloud, a light knock on her window caught her attention.

She got up and stepped towards the window, squinting.

"Itachi." She breathed, opening the window. He crawled in and sat down, chewing on a piece of sweet bread. Ayame joined him on her bed as he handed over a roll as well.

"How was your first day?"

"Same as usual." She whispered in a low tone. "Keep it done, will you? My parents are kind of mad at me right now..."

"What'd you do?" He asked, attempting to look at the book. Ayame's hand slammed it shut before he could read anything and she leaned over to slide it underneath her bed.

"Sayakah was being a brat as usual so I pushed her out of her chair." She crossed her arms and huffed softly.

Itachi snorted briefly, drawing Ayame's attention. She leaned forward and cupped her hand over his mouth, shaking her head.

"You have to be quiet!" She reminded him softly. Itachi removed her hand.

"Or what?" He tempted as she narrowed her eyes.

"Why'd you look at me earlier? When Obito was taking me home?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Itachi stated simply.

"You know, Itachi." She crossed her arms. "One day I'm going to become an even stronger shinobi than my parents."

"What made you randomly say that?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"In times like this, where you want to be an ass-" she raised a fist . "I can just knock some sense back into you."

"How old are you now, Ayame?" Itachi asked.

"Thirteen." She replied softly. Itachi hummed and looked away. He nodded, scoffing softly.

"What?" She asked softly.

"Thirteen and still attending the academy? From this rate you'll never reach my rank. You have no potential."

Ayame's eyes widened and she grabbed a handful of Itachi's hair yanking him forward with a sudden surge of strength.

"How dare you say that?!" She bared her teeth. "Can't you see I'm trying as hard as I can?! I thought you were my friend!" He sharigan locked on him, Itachi's eyes widening.


"What?!" She interrupted. He sat up, Ayame's hand loosening to rest atop of his head.

"You unlocked your sharingan." He noticed. She shrugged her shoulders and crossed her arms.

"Yeah, I did." She muttered. Itachi rose to his feet silently and sighed, leaning down to plant a kiss against Ayame's temple.

"See you around." He poked her cheek, Ayame looking up admirably as he left through the window. She sat back down and looked over the book, sighing.

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