Chapter 37

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Ayame sped up, gritting her teeth. Naruto seemed to share her emotions as he yelled orders back to Kakashi. Deidara sped up on his bird, Naruto and her doing so as well. Kakashi yelled out for them to wait, but they both ignored him.

Kakashi eventually caught up with them, explosions drawing their attention. Ayame glanced back to see him struggling, gritting her teeth.

"Go on with Naruto!" He yelled as she looked forward, growling. Ayame couldn't bare leaving Kakashi in a situation like this, but she forced herself to move.

Ayame managed to catch up with Naruto, a little bit calmer than before. She listened to an explosion, turning back to see Kakashi gone. Ayame stopped, not even realizing the bird had stopped as well.

"Now you've done it!" She roared, Naruto growling.

"Give him back right now!" Naruto lurched forward, Kakashi grabbing his arm.

"Wait Naruto." He spoke as Ayame looked back in surprise.

"Don't move!" Naruto yelled as he began to fly off.

"I could say the same to you." Kakashi spoke as she glared up at Deidara.

"Hurry it up." She growled. The pair ran forward as Ayame joined beside them, Kakashi briefly explaining the plan.

"You ready?"

"Yes." Naruto nodded.

"Here we go." He placed his hands together.

"Hurry it up!" Naruto grumbled after a moment as Kakashi shot him a glance.

"Hold on. Remember I don't have as much chakra as you." He huffed, focusing once more on his hands.

"Kakashi, you ready yet?" Ayame looked over, watching him blink slowly.

"My preparation's complete."

"That's what you've been telling me about?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, my new sharingan. Let's go."

"Right." They sped up on the logs, Naruto and Ayame giving Kakashi an uneasy glance.

By then, Naruto had calmed down and maintained his anger but Yukichi was still fresh on Ayame's mind.

"You two'd better fall back a little." Kakashi warned as Ayame held her tongue and did so. They perched theirselves on the walls and watched Kakashi's sharingan in awe. Deidara's face seemed to become distorted but he moved just in time, Naruto lurching.

"Magyeko." Ayame whispered in realization.

He focused again, Deidara struggling and straining to get out of it. He managed to cut off his arm before the effects of the sharingan wore off. It started up once more and his focus on Kakashi gave Naruto and Ayame the opportunity to sneak up on him.

Using his rasengan, Naruto sliced through the bird and immediately opened his head at landing.

"Gaara." He fretted as Ayame looked around for Deidara.

"Kakashi." She called. "Are you hurt?"

"I'm alright." He called as she looked around. They recovered Gaara and Ayame immediately turned, moving past Naruto. All thought of Deidara and revenge seemed to disapear and was replaced with conern. Her hand moved to his cheek, tenderly holding it.

"Shukaku." Auriel's words took her over, her eyes stuck on him. Ayame turned, their rages returning as Naruto and Ayame's clone snuck up behind Deidara who was now visible. Naruto delivered a punch as she gave a powerful kick, gritting her teeth. Naruto fell with him although Ayame landed in a tree, watching intently. Naruto's clones pummeled him, going to deliver the final blow. His body converted to clay and Ayame felt her anger boil over. Naruto's body shook as she leapt down, slamming her fist into the tree.

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