Chapter 16

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Akiko silently turned and headed home, spotting Kakashi. He was reading his book as usual, heading home as well.

"Hey!" Akiko smiled, stepping infront of him. He looked up, relieved to see it was Akiko, a friend, rather than anyone else.

"Don't let Ayame worry you, she's different. She's just learned to be very protective and to have thick skin. I don't know what you did to her, but she doesn't seem to want to be friends with you anytime soon." Akiko hummed. "So spill it. What'd you do? Beat her up, swear at her?"

"I caused her attack." He quickly replied, turning away.

"You did what?!"

"She ran into me after Obito died and we got into an argument. I pushed her, she fell and hit her head and then transformed. "

"Kakashi that's a damn good reason to not want to be friends!" Akiko laughed nervously, grabbing his arm. "Listen, I-I'll talk to her, okay?"

He nodded before Akiko released his arm and let him walk.

Over the course of the following week, Ayame spent her days training with her new ANBU team and adjusting to the village community.

Her stone-faced look sent chills down the villager's spines who didn't dare speak a word to her nor utter her name. Sayakah was being taken care of by Crystal most of the time although she would sometimes be taken care of by other villagers.

She was walking in the street when a sudden chill sent shivers down her spine. She looked back just as two men bowled each other over in the streets.

"You bastard!" A man yelled, delivering violent punches to his opponent's head who pushed against him desperately.

"Hey!" Ayame ran forward and pulled him off, a clone helping the other man up.

"Calm down!" She scolded, turning to the other man. "Sir, are you okay?"

"I'll kill him!" He pushed past Ayame's clone and ran for the man although her gaze intensified and bored into his soul.

The genjutsu left him frozen and before she could handle the other man, Akiko sprinted up to her.

"Ayame!" She panted. "Ayame we need to go, now."

"What's going on?"

"We've been summoned, an immediate mission." She whispered. Ayame let the man go, her clone taking care of the situation which allowed her to follow after Akiko to the locker room where they quickly got dressed and Team Yi ran out.

The sight of the ANBU brought cheers to the villagers, quickly silenced by a loud roar just outside the village.

A few team members stopped although Ayame continued forward with Akiko.

"Come on!" Akiko yelled, Ayame glancing over her shoulder as they quickly followed after.

"Talk about subtle." Joel, a shinobi, grumbled as Ayame scowled bitterly.

"Speed it up!" Akiko instructed as they panted in effort.

In the middle of the forest stood a summoned-enraged boar, snorting and roaring angrily. The ANBU remained unnoticed at their arrival, the boar still rampaging and knocking down trees, gradually becoming closer to the village.

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