Chapter 10

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Ayame sat up slowly, looking around in alarm. She sat up and panted. A whole new terrain surrounded her and left her wondering where she was. Memories from the past quickly reminded her of her cicumstances and she stood.

"Hey!" She yelled, looked around. "Sosuke." She scratched her side nonchallantly. "Where'd that dumbass go?"she whispered, walking forward. It was night in their world but glowing plants brimmed with guiding lights. Ayame stopped to rest at a small stream, running the water over her hands. For the first time, she saw her reflection. She couldn't help but smile faintly as she tore down the two buns and brushed her hair back.

Ayame stood and looked around. She remembered the waterfalls flowed throughout the terrain and decided to stay on the path of the stream. As she started forward, she quickly stopped and lodged a kunai in the ground. She walked off and leapt up into the nearest tree to balance before sending a clone to continue on the pathway.

Ayame watched the kunai patiently as her clone continued. It was quiet for a while until sudden movement caught her eye and she looked down.

The cheetah, Maiya had slunk forward and began furiously clawing at the kunai. She tilted her head and gripped it, yanking it out. She tossed it aside and ran off. Silently, Ayame followed after and stopped once they had both caught up with her clone.

The clone turned as Maiya lunged, quickly forming handsigns.

"Substitution jutsu." Ayame smirked as the clone appeared before her and a sharp edged rock took her place. Maiya twisted to dodge it and hissed, looking around.

"Come out!" She demanded. The clone disappeared as Ayame gracefully landed on the ground and stiffened.

Maiya slammed her paws on the ground, dashing forward. Ayame readied for her attack and as Maiya leapt up in the air, her sharingan locked on her and Ayame turned to expertly kick her. Maiya rebounded off the nearest tree and rammed Ayame over. As she pinned her, Ayame gave a sudden wicked smirk and pointed.

Behind them, Ayame stood forming hand signals. Maiya snapped back to see that she had actually tackled a leaf.

"Genjutsu." Ayame smirked as she inhaled. "Fire style: Fireball jutsu!

She inhaled, Maiya preparing for the flames. She looked up after a moment, spotting Ayame coughing at the smoke which had merely flew from her mouth.

"Shit!" She yelled, turning. Ayame fled up the nearest tree, Maiya close behind. As she made it to a branch, Ayame slammed her foot on Maiya's head and watched the cat fall.

"Cat's luck jutsu!" She hissed, her body twisting so she landed gracefully in a squatted position.

Maiya stood, her claws piercing into the ground.

"Earth shattering roar!" she yelled. The ground around the tree suddenly gave a violent shake. Ayame clung onto the branch which was no help as she helplessly fell from the branch.

Maiya watched Ayame fall, the cat inhaling.

"Yowl of the Fallen!" She gave a yowl, sound waves projecting out to smack Ayame into the tree. It pinned her there until Maiya ran out of breath and stopped. Ayame fell once again, this time landing with a sickening thud.

Maiya stepped on her back, her claw unsheathing to poke her back.

"You've got much to learn." Koto walked forward as Maiya turned and stepped off the girl's back.

"Hey." Maiya huffed, prodding her waist with her nose. "Get up!"

"I am!" Ayame groaned and sat up, shaking her head. Maiya helped her to Koto's cave where she sat down. A bowl of food was passed over and as Koto worked on her body, Ayame ate.

"The Three want to see you. I believe they plan on starting your training today." Maiya spoke.

"That means you'll probably spend your first days working on strength with Yukichi. He's a snow leapord, but he has extremely powerful legs." Koto informed. "Then probably Maiya to work on speed and agility. Nikki and Nikko can help with that jutsu issue you spoke of earlier and Jasmine can help with battle plans! Your stay shouldn't be too long!"

"Thankfully." Maiya muttered, Ayame turning her head.

"Dumbass." She snarked back before turning to Koto. She stood once she was properly heaped, Koto running to the back of her cave.

"Here! These should help during your training." She nudged forward a pile of cloths with golden bracelets atop.

"What are those?" She asked, calmly undressing.

"They're weights. Trust me, you'll be thankful we gave them to you later on. They'll truly come in handy." Maiya lifted her paw to reveal her bracelet.

Ayame placed her new clothes on as well as the bracelets, glancing down at the water.

"Nice." Koto smiled and brushed past her. She guided her to the cavern where everyone stayed, stepping inside silently. Mothers were tending to young cubs, other's laying down to sleep.

They perked their heads and gazed at Ayame in silence, uttering inaudible things about her.

"Enter." Chuichi murmured. They stepped inside, their cavern lighted with large fires in each corner.

Ayame stayed quiet.

"We were able to observe your...scrimmage with Maiya and identify some flaws in you. We've decided we should start you off, training with Yukichi. You will start early tomorrow morning, at dawn. You will be ready at dawn and will not complain once your training begins." Daimu stated.

"Is that understood?" Chuichi leaned forward. Ayame nodded simply, the three sitting up straight.

"A bed has been put together for you. If Koto has already fed you, than I suggest you head to it. Training is much more energy-draining here." Chuichi advised.

"Thank you guys!" Ayame waved as Koto and Maiya led her out. She was guided to a large moss bed near the center of the cavern, Koto nodding her head. Ayame laid down warily, gasping as the moss crept around her body in a protective blanket. She sunk into it in comfort, sighing in relief..

"Thank you." She whispered, overtaken by a world of relaxation. The moss, which served as a bed, was extremely comfortable and immediately made her crave sleep. Therefore, Koto and Maiya dismissed themselves to their bed and Ayame let sleep overtake her.

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